Look for our next weekly newsletter on November 24, 2016.
What does WPH believe?
Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!
Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot, October 2016
Every month Workforce Planning Hamilton releases the Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot, which provides employers, employment service providers and community members with up to date labour market information.
3 facts you need to know from this month's snapshot
1. Trades, transport and and equipment operators and related occupations grew 29% from October 2015 to October 2016.
2. Hamilton CMA's unemployment rate has been fluctuating for the past year, but has stabilised in the last few months.
3. From September to October 2016 the Hamilton CMA labour force grew by 3600 people.
Employers: Complete the Employer One survey to help create Hamilton's future workforce!
Workforce Planning Hamilton's annual Employer One survey will be released in January 2017!
Without the knowledge gleaned from employers who complete the Employer One survey the gap between the skills possessed by Hamilton's workforce and those that employers need will continue to grow.
WPH encourages our partners to share the survey link with their employer contacts, and we encourage all employers (both large and small) to complete the survey in January 2017.
Stay tuned for more information about Employer One!
A report released by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) called Strengthening Ontario's Workforce for the Jobs of Tomorrow, which was released on October 20, 2016 calls on the government to take the necessary steps to build a highly skilled workforce by identifying and helping create the jobs of today and tomorrow.
The HRPA's paper reveals that only 43 per cent of HR Professionals feel the employees they have hired in the past year have been adequately prepared by their pre-hire education and training for the jobs they take on - indicating a vast gap between the skills taught in Ontario and those in demand by an ever-shifting economy.