Hello and welcome! At Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency, we know how important it is to engage students in environmental education at an early age. We also know that this year looks a little different due to COVID-19. To help, we've created a monthly newsletter that provides resources for you to explore air quality with students in grades 3-5.
Get to know Spokane Clean Air
For over 50 years the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency has been working to improve air quality throughout the Spokane region.

Our work includes air quality monitoring and forecasting; facility and equipment permitting; compliance and enforcement of federal, state and local clean air requirements; and providing education and outreach programs.
Nora & Wes explore air quality
Nora & Wes: A Quest for Clean Air coloring storybook is geared toward K-4th graders. It includes puzzles and coloring pages for students to learn about air quality. 

Nora & Wes: Airo's Quest for Clean Air comic book is geared toward 5-8th graders. It is a step up from the coloring storybook and features a comic style that is fun and educational for an older audience.
Request a virtual visit from a clean air educator
We are available to engage students in Spokane County with virtual presentations.

Presentations can be customized to fit your current lessons and provide a fun way for students to discover more about Spokane's air quality.

Contact Stephanie at smay@spokanecleanair.org to schedule a presentation.
Why 3 Minutes?
To help students understand how vital air is, we often refer to the three threes. Generally, you can survive three weeks without food, three days without water and only three minutes without air. We know air is important but we don't always think about it.

We also know how busy you are and intend for this newsletter to be a quick, three minute read.
We want to hear from you!

Have an idea or question you'd like answered in an upcoming edition? Let us know!

Email Stephanie at smay@spokanecleanair.org