YOU can get involved with this work:
✔ Impacted Individuals or STARs: Tell your story or check out these resources.
✔ Towards Employment Alumni: Share your story with Greg Reaves (Alumni Engagement Coordinator) at
✔ Employers/HR Representatives: Ask your hiring team, do our job descriptions accurately represent the talent skills required to complete the job? Here are some resources.
✔ Elected Officials: Investigate if your hiring guidelines to ensure barriers are removed for talented candidates are also used for jobs at every level. Also, extend this investigation to vendor relationships. Is the vendor hiring practice aligned with those of your jurisdiction?
✔ Allies: Learn more. Discuss often. Grab coffee with the people in your network. Lift your voice to keep the conversation going. Sign the pledge to reduce academic barriers.
Dr. LaShon Sawyer is Director, Policy & Advocacy at Towards Employment.