Vol. 9, Issue 2, September 12, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Labour Market Snapshot, 2019 Quarter 2; Demystifying Deafness and Perceived Barriers to Employment Symposium; Free Charity Village webinar, Psychological Health and Safety at Work: Growing From the Ground Up.
Decline in Manufacturing in Hamilton over the past year: Labour Market Snapshot, 2019 Quarter 2
Workforce Planning Hamilton's newly released Labour Market Snapshot, 2019 Quarter 2 provides timely data details.

Read it to find out about the unemployment rate in Hamilton; the top 5 occupational groups; occupations with the most online postings; and occupations that are growing and declining.

Did you know?

  • Hamilton saw a large increase in job postings in the second quarter, growing by 54%
  • Sales and service occupations saw a large increase from last year, growing by 66%
  • Manufacturing saw a large decline in jobs, declining by -3,200 jobs.

Demystifying deafness and perceived barriers to employment Symposium, Sept. 25/19

The unemployment rate for deaf people is unacceptably high, according to the Canadian Association of the Deaf. 

This problem can be addressed once we understand strategies that celebrate everyone's skills, passions and abilities.

Come out during International Week of the Deaf to discuss:

  • What is deafness?
  • What strengths do deaf people bring to the workplace?
  • How can we improve employment among the deaf community?

When? Wednesday, September 25, 2019 from 6pm - 9pm
Where? J137, Mohawk College, 135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton, ON
Who? Employers and community members are invited to this free event! 

Charity Village Webinar: Psychological Health and Safety at Work: Growing From the Ground Up, Sept. 19/19
Join a free webinar to learn how you can work to improve the psychological health and safety of your workplace.

Implementing workplace psychological health and safety needn’t be a top-down, sweeping transformation. Armed with an understanding of the day-to-day skills, knowledge, and attitudes that make a psychologically healthy and safe environment, you can find actionable steps and entry points to start making grassroots change.

Date: Thursday, September 19 at 1pm ET / 10am PT (webinar is one hour in length)
Audience: This webinar will be of interest to nonprofit leaders and professionals who would like to improve the psychological health and safety of their workplace.

Cost: Free - Register Now
Labour Force Information, Hamilton, August 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca