Traveling back
to the year:

CDs surpass cassette tapes
as the preferred medium
for recorded music.
Our First Property Acquisition!
In 1992, Partners in Housing acquired the first property for use in our transitional housing program! The 12 apartments pictured below were purchased for $105,000 through various funding sources under the guidance of the Board of Directors and Gail Dusing, who was acting as Executive Director of both Catholic Community Services and Partners in Housing at the time. This acquisition was incredibly beneficial to the families being supported by Partners in Housing as it expanded our ability to serve from 5 families in leased units to 17 families! This purchase began the movement by the agency in property ownership and our long-term plans for growth.
1992 Partner Family Success
A letter from one of the first mothers
in the Partners in Housing program:
Partners in Housing
literally came to the rescue...

As a single mother with three children, words cannot express how much Partners in Housing's help touched my heart at a time when things seemed dark and hopeless. Because of the acts of caring and kindness, I gained the confidence and the motivation I needed to forge ahead. Partners in Housing helped me believe in myself. They built me up, they listened to me cry, they spent many long hours with me offering encouragement while I had to do difficult tasks I didn't want to think about and most importantly they pushed me to be strong and reminded me of what I was capable of. They gave me the opportunity to establish a life of stability and self-sufficiency and made the world a much brighter place to live. I experienced so much peace knowing my children had a place to lay their heads at night.
In addition, Partners in Housing provided life skill classes and counseling that helped prepare me for a life of independence. Partners in Housing opened doors I never thought I'd walk through, including returning to school and getting a college degree.

I've grown into a strong, independent, and Handle-It-Myself kinda gal over the years.

I will always be grateful for all the support they gave and fond memories remain of my time with PIH. I also served on the Partners in Housing Board of Directors as a past Partner client. The time I served offered me the opportunity to provide input from the perspective of a former participant. It helped me understand how much the Board of Directors really cared about how to best serve the community. I enjoyed being part of the process.

Many Thanks,
Suleeta R Fulton
Did you miss last week's 1991 email?
Check out our 5-minute interviews with Doug Carter and Chris Acker, two of Partners in Housing's founding Board Members!
Keep an eye out for our weekly emails as we travel back in time to celebrate our 30th Anniversary!

To learn more about how you can help families experiencing or at risk of homelessness, please email You can give the gift of time, items, or money.

Monetary donations may be eligible for a state tax credit of 25% or 50%! Click the State Tax Credits button and scroll to the bottom of the webpage to view details!