Traveling back
to the year:
• Google introduces the free email service Gmail

• Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook from a Harvard dorm room

• The yellow Livestrong wristband is set up by American cyclist Lance Armstrong
A remarkable collaboration! FOUR new homes!
In 2004, Partners in Housing was thrilled to move four families into four BRAND NEW three-bedroom townhomes! This project, HomeAid I, was a collaboration with HomeAid Colorado and Robert Scott General Contracting as the Builder Captain.

As the first HomeAid project in Colorado Springs, the innovative approach encouraged subcontractors to donate both materials and labor. This method, along with funding from Colorado Division of Housing, El Paso County Housing Authority and the City of Colorado Springs Community Development Division, made the new construction project work for Partners in Housing!
Additionally, we are very thankful for our close relationship with the Colorado Springs Home Builders Association (CSHBA) which started early in our history as we have supported the annual Parade of Homes in many ways through volunteerism. 

Both HomeAid Colorado and CSHBA continue to be supportive of Partners in Housing and the families we serve!

Since 2004, we have taken great care of the lovely townhomes and have utilized them for families in our Family Self-Sufficiency Program as they move forward from homelessness.
A BIG thank you to all who contributed so generously on this project!!
The new townhomes being built!
Finished and ready for move-in!
Scott Hente (far left) and Bob Ormston (far right) from Robert Scott General Contracting
Frank Stampf (middle left) and Ret. Colonel Dick Conn (middle right) from Partners in Housing
Catching up with Bob and Scott!
We had the wonderful opportunity to take a trip down memory lane with Bob Ormston and Scott Hente of Robert Scott General Contracting / Robert Scott Custom Homes! Check out the 5-minute interview below! You'll hear about how the ball got rolling on HomeAid's first Colorado Springs project as well as Bob's many years volunteering as a Partners in Housing Budget Counselor (now known as a Money Mentor)! His work with many of the families in tracking their income and expenses and setting up a family budget was instrumental in their long-term financial stability!
"Affordable housing and helping people with housing is really just a way of helping your community be a better community."

"As I recall, most of the guys donated all their time -- and I think we had a number back then between 3 and $400,000 that we saved in labor costs for the project. So we brought those in at what I thought was a very good price for you guys."
Partners in Housing (and especially the families who have lived in these spacious townhomes) is so grateful for the hard work, generous financial contributions, and caring for our community members shown by Bob and Scott!
To learn more about how you can help families experiencing or at risk of homelessness, please email You can give the gift of time, items, or money.

Monetary donations may be eligible for a state tax credit of 25% or 50%! Click the State Tax Credits button and scroll to the bottom of the webpage to view details!