It is hard to believe that 40 years have passed since my daughter, Cari's death. Yet because of her we are still saving lives through We Save Lives. Would you honor my daughter's life and the work we do by donating in her memory, or perhaps in the memory of someone you love? This will help us prevent other families from suffering the same horrible fate because some people choose to drive drunk, drugged or distracted.
May 5th is Giving Tuesday , a global day of giving and unity, supporting non-profits during these difficult times. We are one of those non profits and We Save Lives works hard to keep you safe. People are still killing each other on our highways and with the economy beginning to open, dangerous driving will get worse. Please give whatever you can afford and if you can't, we understand and appreciate your support in other ways. You can share this newsletter, sign our pledges , petitions and the Courage to Intervene Promise. You can designate We Save Lives as your charity of choice when ordering on Amazon, ensuring we get a percentage of your total . You can also ask your friends to give to We Save Lives through Facebook for your birthday. We appreciate whatever you to do help save lives.

I want to wish you and your family the best of health and hope you are staying home, or if not, wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands constantly. Please remember that not everyone will be as responsible about staying safe as you and that could put your life and those you love in jeopardy. #careenough . . .