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To help patients understand more about Incognito Hidden Braces, one of 3M Unitek's marketers, Jacqui Newell, is being treated with Incognito Braces and is candidly blogging about her experiences on


Using a series of images, videos and text, Jacqui gives patients a better understanding of what it is like to live with Incognito Braces, from the first impression-taking right through to today.  She not only updates the blog regularly, but is also available to answer questions via the contact section of her blog any time. 

Incognito Jacqui Blog Link

How to use the Incognito Jacqui blog:

1)    Incorporate an image on your website and hyperlink it to the Incognito Jacqui blog. An image is available by emailing Jacqui: [email protected].

2)    Include the images and videos in consultations with patients who are interested in getting Incognito Hidden Braces.

3)     Provide the link to patients who are interested in, or are committed to getting, Incognito Hidden Braces, to read up on the experience on their own time.

4)    Update your online presence by re-purposing the content on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your website.


Doctors and staff have found the following blog postings helpful in their offices:

Getting Hidden Braces On (step-by-step recount of the experience)

Getting Hidden Braces On (images of the bonding experience)

Tips & Tricks




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