APRIL 29, 2020
Thank you for being part of our Wow Wednesdays. When we started this a few weeks ago we couldn't have imagined how well it would be received. Thank you so much to those of you who have reached out to tell us how much you are enjoying this. Our intent for this was to bring more smiles, a bit of laughter and inspire others. We truly live by the motto Human Hind - Be Both. Thanks for helping us spread the good word. We hope you enjoy this week's 3rd edition.

Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay connected.

Jaime Marco
While we are all struggling during this pandemic, some of us are struggling more. If you can, please join in on our community's Giving Challenge and help support a non-profit of your choice.
Every $1 counts.
Click image to see the impact you can make.
Matched donations end today (4/29) at 12 pm.
Congratulations to the
Class of 2020
The last few weeks have certainly been challenging. As we prepare for our third month of closures and social distancing, there is a certain group of people who will be facing a different type of challenge. They will miss out on experiencing one of life's greatest achievements.
To all those who are missing their graduations, we are thinking about you. Take a look and see what one Florida Principal is doing for his High School seniors.
Do you think we should bring back Drive-in movie theaters?
Grab your family, a blanket and a picnic basket. It's time to go back to the 1950's.
Life as we know it has changed. We wonder that when mandates are lifted, and we can go back to "normal" what will our "new normal" look like? Check out this article about bringing back Drive-In Movie theaters.

And wait - there is more! Click here to read about how some restaurants Are turning their parking lots into Drive-In Movie Theaters.
While some have a green thumb, these divers have a blue one.
Tour operators in Australia are giving back to the Great Barrier Reef by re-purposing their idle vessels and staff for coral restoration missions.

Palmetto man is spreading smiles to children everywhere, one toy at a time.
T his story pulled on our heart strings and we just had to share. Does it get any sweeter than this?
Did you know you can now see Shakespeare right in your living room?
Right now, you can stream the 2018 production of Hamlet. The 2009 production of Romeo and Juliet will be available beginning on April 20th. There will be rotating options available until the end of June, so you’ll never run out of titles to choose from.
Now this is a tribute to be seen and heard.
The Pentagon's Operation Strong is set to take place sometime over the next week in multiple cities. This mission will consist of numerous flyovers in dozens of US cities as a tribute to front-line workers battling Coronavirus.

S et your Alarm: Jupiter, Venus, and the moon will be aligning to
form a smiley face.

‘Smiley face’ – when you hear that, most likely you would think of an emoticon, not planets aligning to form one!

The moon, Jupiter and Venus are going to be showing off for us on the 16th of May 2020, by aligning in a rare position that will form a smiley face in the sky!
Warning: This video will cause your emotions to go into overdrive.

“In dreams we remember what was, we think about what is, we imagine what might be, what can be, what will be.”
Eva-Jane Gaffney speaks Sarah Coffey's words in 'The Phoenix', a Covid-19-inspired video about love and loss, hope and strength.  Watch it here.
Perhaps one of the best things to come out of this pandemic is all of the great nostalgia that is coming back. Ok, so clearly that could just be our opinion, but we thought we would share some of the highlights with you just in case you felt the same.
We would love to hear from you!
Email us a story, funny meme, video, or anything you saw that was motivational or inspirational during this crazy time.

Also, next week we will start a new segment with video interviews. Do you know someone who is inspiring? Has a great positive story to tell? Let us know.

Missed our first two editions? Catch up here: