Nassau County
Bar Association

April 14, 2020

Dear NCBA Members:

I hope you are all settling back into work week mode after a safe and relaxing holiday weekend. At the start of each week, I reflect on the accomplishments our Association has achieved over the last month—one of the most challenging months we have ever experienced. We have successfully launched On Demand CLE so that you can earn your credits right from home, created a Task Force to provide legal assistance to our local community and another to focus on the Supreme Court in Mineola, and moved our daily operations to the virtual world successfully, just to name a few. Each day presents a new challenge, but the NCBA staff and I are here to confront them head on, and will continue to provide you with the most valuable member experience possible.

Please see below for some new updates and announcements.


It’s the pleasure and privilege of the Nassau County Bar Association to present a follow up Virtual Town Hall meeting about the virtual courts with with Administrative Judge Norman St. George, the Supervising Judges of Matrimonial, Guardianship, Family, County, District and Village Courts and Judge Margaret C. Reilly, Surrogate’s Court on Wednesday, April 15 at 2:30 PM.

Questions may be submitted to Sam Ferrara
prior to the Town Hall Meeting by Tuesday, April 14 at 6:00 PM at:

The judges will provide a follow up review of current procedures and answers to your questions during these unprecedented times. All members who practice in the Nassau County courts are invited to join us by Zoom. Details below.  
Nassau County Bar Association
Mediation Panels Here to Help

These are difficult times for everyone, the small (and not so small) business, landlords, tenants, employers and their employees, suppliers whose customers have been forced to shutter their doors and those who cannot fulfill their contracts because of shortages in inventory. The list grows daily as do the obligations that can no longer be fulfilled. Whether a contract clause designed to excuse a party from performing its obligations (if there is any) is applicable or not only adds to the potential issues for dispute. What is not open to dispute is the fact that when business re-opens, the last thing anyone should have to contend with is potential litigation. Time, money, and effort is best spent ensuring businesses are up and running as quickly as possible. The ability to preserve business relationships through the use of mediation and neutral facilitation will enable business to move forward perhaps with new opportunities.

The Nassau County Bar Association’s Mediation Panel was originally established to provide Alternative Dispute Resolution to members of the Community and the Bar at reasonable rates. That pledge remains even more critical now, as businesses throughout Nassau County will continue to face difficult times. NCBA’s panel of mediators / neutral facilitators, are experienced in the law, have extensive mediation training, and have all been screened by the Nassau County Bar Association Judiciary Committee.

Information on our ADR Panels is available on
the NCBA Website. The ADR Panel Administrator,
Patti Anderson, can be reached via email at: , or by phone at
(516) 747-4070 ext. 1208.
Member-Related Law Firm
Links on the NCBA Website

The NCBA staff is working hard to update our website with relevant, helpful content for you and your clients. As such, we have decided to create a sub-page for member-related law firm links.

 Members who wish to have their law firm’s COVID-19 resource page link published to our site, please submit to with the name of your firm. The NCBA is grateful to our members for sharing their content with us.
Message from Chief Judge Janet DiFiore

Check out the latest video message from Chief Judge Janet DiFiore on how the courts are dealing with Coronavirus here:

Transcript here:
COVID-19 NCBA CLE Programs

All written material  for NCBA Zoom CLE programs can be found on our website under the  CLE tab  of our home page.

The Nassau Academy of Law is working hard to provide you with these programs and your certificates in a timely manner. Please be patient with them.
Fill out all of the below forms in their entirety at the conclusion of the CLE program and email back to together in one email.

DO NOT send the forms to an
individual staff member!

April 15, 2020
12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Dean’s Hour: BIG CHANGES IN NEW YORK MEDICAID: An Overview of COVID-19 Procedures and the Impact of the 2021 Budget
April 17, 2020
12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Dean’s Hour: CARES ACT Part 2:
Other Business and Tax Provisions


Rick Collins
Richard D. Collins
NCBA President