Strive to Thrive - March 2024

New Resource


Your requests, our actions!

Following numerous inquiries for a convenient hub containing various links pertaining to North Dakota 4-H, we've crafted a solution. While the primary location of this QR code remains on the North Dakota 4-H Google Drive, we've also integrated it into the 4-H Newsletter for added accessibility.

Feel free to reach out via email at to suggest additional helpful links you'd like us to include in our Linktree. We're here to serve you! 

Youth Opportunities

Bring a Friend to 4-H in February

February is a time to show kindness and there is no better way than sharing your love for 4-H with a friend. Bring a friend to a meeting/event in February and enter to win a pickleball set for your club! There is still time to register!

Enter here: 

Hands to Larger Service Event

April is Hands to Larger Service Month. This is a time to celebrate how 4-H’ers help and give back to their communities. This year we want to help you celebrate the good work you do. The Center for 4-H Youth Development is giving a pizza party through a drawing of all service projects completed during the 2023-2024 4-H year. There will be a live webinar at the end of April (details coming) to uplift many of the projects and to draw a winner for a club pizza party. 

Here is how to register: 

  1. Compete service-learning activities from September 1, 2023 – April 26, 2024
  2. Enter each project at: or through the QR code below. Who should enter projects? ANYONE! Agents, Leaders, Volunteers, Youth!
  3. Do more service and enter again!
  4. An email with a Zoom link to our Celebration and Live Drawing on April 30 at 6:30 pm CST will be sent to all registered participants

If you missed our webinar with great information on service learning, how to engage youth, and register your projects, you can watch the recording here: Recording

Extension Youth Conference 2024

Extension Youth Conference registration will be open soon!  EYC will take place June 17-20, 2024.

You will love EYC if you are:

  • Anyone who has completed 7th grade – 12 grade 

(You do not need to be in 4-H – invite a friend)

  • Looking for a fun way to meet others who like the same things you do
  • Needing to spice up your summer and learn from 4-H leaders from across the state
  • Looking to experience NDSU campus (and eat ice cream cones every day – only for a week of course!) 
  • Can’t wait to show off your talents at a variety show!
  • Wanting to help others 
  • Wish to grow your skills as a 4-H leader

Watch for registration in early March! 

Consumer Decision Making

Now is the time to start preparing your youth for the Consumer Decision Making contest. Here are some things to help you start preparing your teams for the 2024 state contest:

If you are planning a county contest, please complete this form with the date and contact person. If you do not know now, please complete the form when you do. The form will be available.

  • Junior and Senior classes: 1) Pizza 2) Thermal Wear 3) Water Bottles

  • Beginner classes: 1) Bread 2) Pets 3) T-shirts

  • County and state classes from 2016-2023 are on the Ag Info Site 🡪 Long-term Uploads. Some are on the 4-H Google Drive. There are MANY classes available to use for practice now. You do not have to wait until the 2024 county classes are released to start training your teams.

  • Study Guides + Sample Classes will be available beginning March 1 on the 4-H Google Drive.

  • Rules and age classes from the 2023 state contest will remain the same for 2024. 

  • The date, location, and time for the 2024 state contest will be Tuesday, July 23, at the North Dakota State Fair beginning at 8:30 a.m. with registration.

  • REMINDER: Junior AND Senior teams will participate in the Group Think portion of the contest. Scores WILL be used to calculate final team placings. 

Contact Meagan Scott Hoffman for more information.

Camp 2024 Registration and Hiring

The 2024 camp schedule has been set, and we are super excited to offer several opportunities for youth to experience North Dakota 4-H Camp. 

Be sure to mark your calendars as all of your favorite camps are returning with the addition of a few brand-new camps! North Dakota 4-H offers a variety of camps and programs geared to specific age groups and to youth with special interests.

Registration for North Dakota 4-H summer camps will open March 1. 

If you have an interest in volunteering at camp, please let me know. I am still looking for assistance for Adventure Camp I, Adventure Camp II and Wood Working Camp.

We are currently recruiting for 2024 Camp Staff to include Camp Cook, Camp Assistant Cook and Camp Counselors. The job postings are now live on

NDSU Jobs.

Click Here to View the Camp Schedule

Professional Development

2024 4-H Spring Training

4-H Spring Training is designed for those who are Extension agents. Registration information will be coming soon with a detailed agenda.

Training Location

Rough Riders Hotel – Medora

301 3rd Avenue

Medora, ND 58645

Hotel Info

  • Block of rooms reserved at ($96.30) under ND4H for the nights of: 
  • Tuesday, April 9
  • Wednesday, April 10
  • To reserve your room call (800) 633-6721 Option 1
  • Room block held until Friday, March 8, 2024
  • Hotel website


An event has been created in PEARS if you would like to add this professional development opportunity to your plan for the year. Please select “4-H Spring Training” from the “Event Catalog” and add it to your professional development plan for the year.

Strengthening the Heartland "How To" Webinars

Strengthening the Heartland hosts webinars as part of a grant funded project focused on life skills development for young adults in North Dakota. Webinars are free and open to the public. Free, continuing education credits are offered for participation. Webinars are recorded and the recordings are made available following the webinar. If you are not able to attend the webinar live but would like to automatically receive the recording, go ahead and register for the event. 

To learn more, click here to view all previous Strengthening the Heartland webinar recordings.

Upcoming Webinar:

Friday, February 23, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CT

Topic: Compassionate Ethics: Navigating the Heart of Mental Health Practice

Presenter: Dr. Staci Born, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Founder of The Blue Couch, LLC, a private practice and counseling agency in Minnesota

Click here to register.

Different Abilities Webinar Series

During our needs assessment at last year's 4-H Program Planning, one of the prioritized topics for professional development was learning how to effectively work with differently-abled youth.

We invite you to join us for a five-part series featuring Darcy Cole, a University of Minnesota Extension Educator specializing in 4-H Youth Development and Program Operations. The series will culminate at our 4-H Spring Training in Medora, offering hands-on learning opportunities. Don't miss this chance to enhance your skills and make a positive impact on the youth we serve.


Third Session – March 11 at 9 AM CT à ZOOM – How to use the Accommodations Kit (6 are being purchased for across the state and will be handed out at 4-H Spring Training)

Join Zoom Meeting -


Fourth Session – March 18 at 9 AM CT à ZOOM – Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (PBIS)

Join Zoom Meeting -


Fifth Session – April 11 at 11:30 AM 4-H Spring Training – in-person event – Understanding Behavior Scenarios 

Join Zoom Meeting if unable to attend in person -

Helping Youth Thrive: Virtual 4-H PYD Academy

Academy Immersions

Elevate your PYD journey with this upcoming PYD Academy Immersion: Wednesday, April 10. This one-day virtual learning experience is crafted for educators and 4-H professionals seeking to enhance their best practices. 

April 10: Helping Youth Thrive Through a Computer Science Lens

Build your capacity to help youth thrive in a PYD setting through a lens of a computer science pathway. Discover how an exploratory computer science activity can catalyze youth to nurture sparks, find belonging, build relationships, and find their voice. Participants will learn how to apply the foundations of the 4-H Thriving model more broadly to 4-H programs and get a feel for the computer science activities developed for Clover by 4-H.

Click here to register.

Academy on Supporting Youth Resiliency

The Virtual 4-H PYD Academy is back again with a focus on Supporting Youth Resiliency for 2024. Participants will learn from top researchers and thought leaders in the field, build professional competencies, and leave with an understanding of how youth become resilient and capable of navigating life’s challenges, an essential component of youth development research. 

When: Tuesday-Thursday, May 7-9, 2024 (10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)

To Register in Early March: Click here or the THRIVE picture.

Registration opens March 18.

New 4-H VRKC Volunteer Training Materials Webinar

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 – 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CT

Topic: New 4-H VRKC Volunteer Training Materials 

Zoom Link:

Presenter: Rachelle Vettern, Leadership and Volunteer Development Specialist 

Description: The NEW Volunteer Research Knowledge and Competency Taxonomy Model (VRKC) is a research-based taxonomy that identifies volunteers’ competencies to effectively deliver 4-H youth development programs and activities.

The VRKC is expressed in six domains: 1) communication, 2) organizational skills, 3) 4-H program management, 4) educational design and delivery, 5) positive youth development, and 6) interpersonal characteristics. The VRKC provides 4-H professionals with an outline and ready-made resources and activities for volunteer development training in each of the six domains. 4-H professionals may focus on one domain over a specific period for all 4-H volunteers in their county, or they may decide to assess the needs of volunteers and tailor their volunteer development plan. 

Volunteer Opportunities and Trainings

Recognize Your Outstanding 4-H Volunteers

The nomination period for the 2024 National 4-H Salute to Excellence (STE) Volunteer Awards is open.

The Salute to Excellence awards are a great way to recognize the wonderful 4-H volunteers you work with in the county or as an Extension Specialist.

Nominations are due Friday, February 23, 2024 for the 4-H Volunteer of the Year (less than 10 years of service) and the Outstanding Lifetime 4-H Volunteer (10 years or more of service). The 4-H STE nomination information is attached along with an example score sheet.

A ND 4-H committee will select one nominee for the Lifetime Volunteer Award and one nominee for the Volunteer of the Year Award to be submitted to National 4-H Council. A national panel will review the nominations and choose the top volunteer in each category as a national winner. 

Each state winner in ND will receive a personalized crystal clock and will be recognized during the ND 4-H Foundation Recognition Luncheon. 

(The ND 4-H Foundation Recognition Luncheon is scheduled for October 8, 2024, at the ND 4-H Camp in Washburn.)


Please nominate the outstanding 4-H volunteers from your county or your area of specialization.

Send your nomination materials via e-mail to by Friday, February 23, 2024

Thank you in advance for recognizing your ND 4-H volunteers,

-Rachelle Vettern

National Volunteer Week: April 21-27, 2024

Mark your calendars to recognize your local NDSU Extension volunteers! Please share the ND 4-H Facebook and Instagram posts on your county social media pages throughout the week and create some that highlight your county’s volunteers.

Our Extension volunteers are the heart of our 4-H Youth Development, Master Gardener, and other community programs. Stay tuned for promotion for National Volunteer Week Lunch and Learn opportunities. Visit here for a list of volunteer recognition ideas.

Foundation News

4-H Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Applications are due March 1, 2024

Current or former ND 4-H Members may apply for scholarships by visiting

JOANN Campaign

March 3 - May 4, 2024

Customers can donate or round-up at checkout in JOANN stores to support 4-H, with 60% of funds staying in the state they are raised. Be sure to check out their 4-H fabrics for your projects. For every yard purchased, $0.50 is donated to 4-H. Learn more by visiting 

Giving Hearts Day Results

Together, we raised $46,861 for 4-H on Giving Hearts Day!

You can continue to support the North Dakota 4-H Foundation with your giving heart all year by visiting 

Save the Date: Recognition Luncheon

October 8, 2024, at the ND 4-H Camp near Washburn, ND

Celebrate National 4-H Week by honoring the Salute to Excellence Volunteers, Century Families, Hall of Fame Honoree, and North Dakota 4-H Foundation Donors.

Stories from the Field

National 4-H Consumer Decision Making Contest

North Dakota 4-H was well represented by the Steele County Senior Consumer Decision Making Team at the 2024 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences National Championship and Conference in San Antonio held January 10-13, 2024.

Classes included in this national event were bedding, carry-on luggage, wearable technology, event venues, fast food, and lighting. The team competed in class placings, oral reasons, and a group think activity. Members of the Steele County team include: Mackenzie Motter, Emma Gullicks, and Grace Mitchell. Megan Vig, Steele County Extension Agent, coached the team.

The Steele County team placed 4th Overall, 4th in the Reasons category, and were Reserve Champions in the Group Think category. Team member, Emma Gullicks, was named High Individual Overall in the contest and High Individual in the Placings category. She also placed 3rd in the Reasons category. Team members, Grace Mitchell and Mackenzie Motter, placed 11th and 26th overall respectively, in the competition.

Photo to the left: Steele County 4-H Senior Consumer Decision Making Team 

(left to right) – Coach Megan Vig; Team Members Mackenzie Motter, Grace Mitchell, and Emma Gullicks

Photo to the right: Emma Gullicks was named the High Individual Overall in the contest and High Individual in the Placings category. She also placed 3rd in the Reasons category.


Dates to Remember

  • March 1- Foundation scholarship applications are due
  • March 1- Summer camp registration opens
  • April 21-27- 2024-National Volunteer Week
  • June 17-20- EYC
  • August 1- National 4-H Congress and Conference applications due
  • October 8- Recognition Luncheon

Newly Revised 23-24 4-H Project Guide and Project List

The 2023-2024 4-H Project Guide + Project List are ready for you to share with your 4-H families, volunteers, and club leaders! 

The guide and the list can be found on the 4-H Google Drive 🡪 Projects

4-H Educational Trunks

The 4-H Educational Trunks publication has been completely revised! It is now ready for you to share with your 4-H families, volunteers, and club leaders! It is organized into the same project areas as the 4-H Project Guide.

This is a great resource to share with your club leaders. You can find this resource on the 4-H Google Drive 🡪 Projects 🡪 Educational Trunks. Information on the trunk reservation process can also be found in the same location.

New! 4-H Club Officer Cards

Check out the NEW 4-H Club Officer Cards on the 4-H Google Drive 🡪 4-H Clubs 🡪 Club Meetings. 

You will find a set of 7 cards: President, Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, Reporter/Historian, Rec Leader, and Club Member. On the back of each card, you will see General Rules of Parliamentary Procedure. 

Each county will receive 1 set of the 7 cards. Cards will be printed on indestructible, plastic-like paper and joined together by a ring in the top left-hand corner. 

Counties will be able to order more sets if they see the need. Ordering and paying for them will be the same way that business cards and county letterhead are ordered through Ag Communications. An email will be sent when orders can be placed.

Become a Healthy 4-H Club in 2024

Consider having your club be recognized as a healthy club! We also encourage you to involve the teenagers in the club as teen leaders for the younger members in the healthy club activities. We will ask them to complete a short survey and they will receive a special incentive item.


To be recognized as a Healthy North Dakota 4-H Club, clubs should complete at least one nutrition or fitness activity during at least six meetings (or club events) in six or more of these areas: 1) setting, 2) roll call, 3) program, 4) demonstration; 5) recreation, 6) refreshments/snacks, 7) community pride, 8) field trip/tour, 9) family mealtime challenge and 10) healthful snack policy.


Here are some tips for club leaders:

  • Access the files (leaders guide, member handout). Visit to find the Health 4-H Club information. Be sure to click on “Explore More” for the member and leader guides.
  • See the “Healthy North Dakota 4-H Club Idea Guide” for ideas from other clubs.
  • Discuss the program with club members. Brainstorm ideas and make plans.
  • Consider electing a “Healthy North Dakota 4-H Club committee” to coordinate the club’s activities and keep records. This program provides excellent leadership and activity coordination opportunities for club members, especially older youth. 
  • Encourage members to demonstrate healthy recipes or adopt a “healthy snack” policy for club meetings. 
  • Contact county Extension offices for educational materials available for clubs to use. For example, an “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” trunk is available for checkout.
  • Track club activities on the recording sheets. 
  • Develop a display or scrapbook of your club’s activities to show at your county fair. Don’t forget to take pictures of activities throughout the year. 
  • Submit your recording sheet by August 15 to your county office. Clubs will be recognized in a statewide press release, and participating 4-H members will receive a certificate and incentive item. 

Click here to see the Healthy Clubs of 2023


If you have questions, please contact Julie Garden-Robinson by calling

(701) 231- 7187 or e-mailing

Social Media

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