Monroe County 4-H
Wednesday Weekly
January 27, 2021
Do you love the smell of baking bread?
What about the taste of it
straight from the oven?

Join us for

Mix, bake, eat, and learn!

This all-ages virtual workshop will focus on fungi and food. We will explore the wonder of yeast through a hands-on bread-in-a-bag experiment. More information, including supply lists, found HERE.

Small but mighty, yeast are single cell fungal organisms responsible for many products humans enjoy today. How do they work? What are they actually doing in our bread dough?

Join us for a virtual Fungal Friday workshop this Friday, Jan 29 from 5:00-6:30pm. We will explore what fungi are, how we rely on them for many of our favorite foods, and get to make some delicious bread !

Looking for more

They're listed HERE.
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