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4th of July
What does that mean? Outside of barbecues, family and friends gathering, fireworks, sunburn, and celebrating this great country of ours, it also means planning for safety. 

Did you know that over the past 25 years, almost 51% of fatal crashes are alcohol related on the 4th of July, according to NHTSA?
1. We Save Lives Recommends
Stay as close to home as possible or better yet, celebrate at home. There are too many crazy drivers on the road.  Do not speed and save that beer for when you get home.

2. Be a Good Host
If it is your party, offer non-alcoholic beverages such as juice, soft drinks and alcohol free mocktails. If you serve alcohol for people who are driving, make arrangements for them to get home safely.

3. Have the Courage to Intervene
If an intoxicated guest insists on driving, tell them you  will immediately notify the police. Always d esignate a driver who remains alcohol free.

4. Automobile, Motorcycle and Pedestrian Tips
Focus on your driving because others won't be focused on theirs. Always wear your seatbelt and if you are cycling, your helmet and protective clothing. Pedestrians should always stick to the crosswalks, follow traffic signals, wear light colored clothing and always hold young children's hands.

Welcome to Our Newest Partners
We Save Loves provides a unified voice for partner groups on critically important traffic safety and driving issues. We are proud to announce three new partners to our program. 
Drive With Sentinel
Help your teen learn to drive safer - for life. Sentinel helps drivers fight distraction by forming the #1 safe driving habit of our generation.
Learn More
Milt Olin Foundation
The Milt Olin Foundation is dedicated to eliminating distracted driving-related fatalities and serious injuries. Their vision is to create a world with zero distracted driving-related fatalities.
M.O.M.S. is an educational and charitable organization which advocates for the implementation of safer roads, and through sponsorship, assists service members who have been victims of motorcycle/vehicular accidents with associated medical and funeral costs.
Become a We Save Lives Member Today!
Join our other amazing members today through your tax-deductible donation and help We Save Lives support these three strategic efforts:
  1. Educate young drivers with eye-opening and powerful PSAs that will affect their behaviors.
  2. Arm everyone throughout America with the Courage To Intervene.
  3. Change Laws to reinforce that it is not socially acceptable to drive while drunk, drugged or distracted.