40% Off All Fall-Planted Outdoor Bulbs!

It's been an exceptionally busy season here at Van Engelen! We shipped millions of flower bulbs all over the country at a feverish pace, and now that the rush is slowing, we've had time to inventory our remaining flower bulbs and can now offer them at a whopping 40% off*!

This is a great opportunity to fill a few more gaps in your garden, or to pay it forward by planting some flower bulbs for a beloved friend or neighbor, or a local school, church or non-profit.

While you can enjoy sifting through our website to find the gems that are still in stock, if you'd like to see our remaining inventory at a glance, go straight to the Availability List.

If you are looking for a variety that is not available online, CALL US at 860.567.8734. If we have 5 units or less of a variety, it is not available online. Phone us for help to get exactly what you need.

*This sale excludes all Amaryllis, Paperwhites and Gift Certificates.

Please note that all flower bulbs are still listed at full price on our website.

If you place your order online, your 40%-off discount will be applied AFTER your order is processed by our customer service agents. You will receive two order confirmations: a web order confirmation immediately after placing your order that lists full prices, and then another, final confirmation soon after that will reflect the 40% discount. Your credit card will not be charged until all discounts have been applied and your order is being prepared for shipment. Shipping charges will be calculated based on the original prices of the bulbs on your order. For immediate assistance, place your order with our customer service agents by calling 860.567.8734.

There's Still Time to Plant!

Think you've missed the boat on planting bulbs? Not necessarily!

Flower bulbs should be planted only after the soil has cooled down to about 55°F: after about two weeks of sweater weather when night temperatures have hovered in the 40°s. You can continue to plant into early winter as long as the ground is workable.

If time slips away from you, and you are unable to plant your bulbs before the ground surface freezes, you could place a black tarp (or cut up black garbage bag) over the surface of the garden, weigh it down with rocks, and hope that the sun's warmth can thaw it enough so you can plant.

Tulip bulbs are especially forgiving: they may be planted as late as January if there is a mid winter thaw. But after that, the bulbs are likely no longer viable, having been out of the soil, without water or nutrition, since their summer harvest in the Netherlands. Flower bulbs may not be held over from one year to the next.

All Remaining Outdoor Flower Bulbs are 40% Off!

This is just a sampling of some of the wonderful varieties for which we still have inventory. Snap up your favorites quickly before they're gone for the season. Please forgive us if any of these varieties are already sold out by the time you click through, as this discount will make these flower bulbs disappear in a hurry.

Allium Ambassador

Allium Atlas

Allium christophii

Allium Forelock

Allium Gladiator

Allium Globemaster

Allium nigrum

Silver Spring


Pinball Wizard





Allium stipitatum

Mount Everest



Anemone blanda


Anemone blanda White Splendour

The Anemone blanda Windflower Mixture

Camassia leichtlinii


Camassia leichtlinii Caerulea Blue Heaven

Camassia quamash

Blue Melody

Crocus flavus Golden Yellow

Crocus vernus Flower Record

Crocus vernus Grand Maitre

Crocus vernus

Jeanne d'Arc

The Large Flowering Dutch Crocus Mixture

Crocus chrysanthus

Cream Beauty

Fritillaria imperialis Maxima Lutea



Fritillaria persica

Purple Dynamite

Galanthus Hippolyta

Galanthus nivalis Flore Pleno

Galanthus woronowii

Gladiolus communis

ssp. byzantinus

Hyacinthoides hispanica




Ipheion uniflorum

Alberto Castillo

Ipheion uniflorum

Wisley Blue

The Starry Nights

Ipheion Mixture

Iris reticulata

Painted Lady

Ixiolirion tataricum

ssp. pallasii





Muscari armeniacumSiberian Tiger

Muscari aucheri

Blue Magic

Muscari aucheri

Dark Eyes

Muscari aucheri

Ocean Magic


Bling Bling





Muscari latifolium

Grape Ice



Ornithogalum nutans Silver Bells

Ornithogalum ponticum


Scilla siberica Alba

Scilla siberica Spring Beauty

The Woodland Squill Mixture

Peony Bowl of Beauty

Peony Eden's Perfume

Peony Pink Hawaiian Coral

Species Tulip

Tulipa Danique

Green Tulip


Lily Flowering Tulip

Fire Wings

Triumph Tulip


Kaufmanniana Tulip

Ice Stick

Species Tulip

Tulipa Little Princess

Species Tulip

Tulipa orphanidea Flava

Giant Darwin Hybrid Tulip

Pink Impression

Species Tulip

Tulipa polychroma

Multi-Flowering Tulip

Royal Georgette

Lily Flowering Tulip


Kaufmanniana Tulip

The First

Peony Flowering Tulip

Yellow Pomponette

The Emperor Tulip


The Peacock Tulip


Asiatic Lily Apricot Fudge

Asiatic Lily Pearl Melanie

Asiatic Lily Pearl White

The Chinese Trumpet

Lily Mixture

Oriental Lily


Oriental Lily


Oriental Lily


Oriental Lily


Oriental Lily


Oriental Lily


Orienpet Lily

Purple Prince

Orienpet Lily


Trumpet Daffodil Arkle

Cyclamineus Narcissus Carice

Split-Cup Narcissus Cassata

Large Cupped Narcissus


Jonquilla Narcissus

Doll Baby

Large Cupped Narcissus

Ferris Wheel

Large Cupped Narcissus


Tazetta Narcissus

Golden Dawn

Large Cupped Narcissus


Jonquilla Narcissus


Small Cupped Narcissus


Split Cup Narcissus

Love Call

Jonquilla Narcissus


Large Cupped Narcissus

Snow Frills

Jonquilla Narcissus

Sweet Love

The Sunny All-Yellow

Narcissus Mixture

The Narcissus

Grand Mixture

Mr. Kees Breed's Small Cupped Narcissus Mixture

Call Us~We're Here for You!

Order the essential flower bulbs for your clients now when they're on sale at an unbelievable 40% off!!

We are shipping orders like crazy all over the U.S. We are here to help you Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. 

If you need an individual variety in smaller volume than our published pricing, please visit our sister company, John Scheepers Beauty from Bulbs

Use our Availability List for easy selection! 

Call us at 860.567.8734 if you need help snaring varieties on sale: we have a bit more than is available online. We can still pack your order by client or planting site. 

We never substitute named varieties, bulb size or quality.

For Van Engelen's 56-page Wholesale Price List, click: Request VE Catalog.

For John Scheepers' 92-page Beauty from Bulbs color catalog, click: Request JS Catalog.

To view our collection of over 800 flower bulb varieties online, click: Flower Bulb Collection.

For our Website Specials, click: Website Specials.

For our Kitchen Garden Seeds catalog, click: Request KGS Catalog.

Van Engelen Wholesale Flower Bulbs

23 Tulip Drive * PO Box 638 * Bantam, CT 06750

Phone: (860) 567-8734 * Fax: (860) 567-5323

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