Apex Energetics 30-Day Detox 360
Only $229.00
healthy eating and vegetarian diet concept - word detox with juice, fruits and vegetables

After a holiday season filled with celebrations, family, friends and late nights, my body is telling me to clean up my act.

By New Year's day, I am ready to shake off the holidays and propel my body into the next year in a state of wellness that will help me accomplish all of my intentions for the year!

If you have resolved to improve your health in 2017, join me in my annual January detox!

So many of my clients are doing all of the right things like eating well and moving but they are not getting the results that they want or deserve for their diligence. While others don't feel that they have the energy or motivation to make the changes necessary for optimal health.

This can be due poor cellular functioning caused by toxins such as mercury, PCB's, arsenic, cadmium and more bogging down your cells and detox pathways.

Each of us are exposed to toxins everyday through water, air, food, synthetic material like plastics and flame retardants, etc.  Having optimally functioning detoxification pathways is the difference between the toxins setting up shop in your cells or exiting stage left (well...exiting in your sweat, pee and poop in reality)!

Toxins affect mitochondrial function therefore affecting energy.  They are also linked to chronic disease and poor neurological function.

Toxins love to hang out in fat cells and when fat is broken down, those toxins are released into the blood stream. At that point, they need to be efficiently excreted by the liver, lymph and kidney functions or they find a new place to hang out in your body and cause disease.

This compilation of nutrient support from Apex Energetics is the kick-start that can give your body the boost it needs to drop excess weight, improve energy and optimize mental focus. The Detox 360 program provides high potency supplements and nutritional powders that target the biochemical functions which will increase detox and fat loss.

Along with the Apex Detox line, I will give you a simple outline of how to support yourself with diet, activity and lifestyle. The rest is up to you!
This is as simple as it gets.

I want all of my clients and friends to feel incredible and support their body's natural ability to heal which is why I pass on my professional savings for supplements and nutritional programs to you.

This is the easiest and most effective detox that I have found and am so happy to be sharing it with you!
Please email me at [email protected] to find out if this program is right for you or to sign up!
Pep Wellness,LLC | www.pepnutritioncoach.com | 503-515-5867 | [email protected]