Think about yourself at the ages of 3, 5, 7, 9. 11. What was your experience with conflict and resolving conflict? The adults and older children around you were probably models for you as you learned how the world works. How did you handle your unmet needs and desires? What were the lessons you learned at this stage about resolving conflict and what strategies did you adopt when unresolved conflicts occurred?
Adolescence and Young Adulthood:
Think about yourself during this dramatic time in anyone’s life. Can you remember conflicts and their outcomes? What kind of a conflict resolver were you? How about the people around you?
Adult and Family:
As adulthood solidified, think about the family or supportive circle you created with others. What kind of a conflict resolver were/are you at this stage of your life? How were/are conflicts resolved within the family unit. What role do you play?
Work life:
Think about your approach to the inevitable conflicts at work. What role do you play? What kind of conflict management approach happens and how effective is this system? Who do you admire as a conflict resolver?