What is Roe v. Wade?


Roe v. Wade is a 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding abortion. Roe v. Wade along with its companion case, Doe v. Bolton, radically changed U.S. law, social policy and culture by creating a federal constitutional right to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Roe and Doe struck down all state abortion laws. Since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton were handed down on January 22, 1973, about 55 million abortions have been performed in the United States.  LEARN MORE 


Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton have led our society down the dangerous path of devaluing human life. Mason County Right to Life marched and gathered in their community to show support for all human life. 


Promoting life in our communities takes many forms and involves people from all walks of life. A group from Tri-Cities Right to Life (Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Ferrysburg)  marched in their community to be a voice for the voiceless. 

Right to Life of Sanilac County

Right to Life of Sanilac County peacefully marched with colorful signs to bring attention to the reality of abortion and the hope found in life. Frigid temperatures did not deter these dedicated protectors of life.

40 Years Too Long

Forty represents the number of years since abortion became legal throughout pregnancy in all 50 states. For too long, women have felt pressured to "choose" abortion, feeling there was no other option. Abortion can be a very traumatic experience for both women, men, and other family and friends involved. Many women have spoken out about the harm abortion caused. Men, too, have shared how abortion has negatively impacted them. LEARN MORE

Wyandotte Right to Life

In Wyandotte, people gathered to prayerfully bring the destruction of abortion before God. Forty years of abortion on demand is too long. No woman wants to have an abortion, yet every year more than a million women put themselves through this dangerous procedure. Abortion doesn't solve problems, it only creates new ones. Abortion doesn't help women, it hurts them. 

Grand Rapids Right to Life

Grand Rapids Right to Life mourns each year of lives lost since 1973. Forty years and 55 million lives lost is difficult to comprehend. Now is the time to focus on life.

Charlevoix-Emmett County Right to Life

Prolife people from Charlevoix-Emmett County Right to Life braved the cold to be a witness to their community. Life is something that is too precious for which not to fight. That is why prolife people will continue working to protect the unborn and help women in unplanned pregnancies.

55 Million Too Many

Since 1973 about 55 million abortions have been performed in the United States. About 1 percent of these were performed for reasons of rape and incest. Only 4 percent list "physical problem with my health" as the most important reason for the abortion.


We will never know what the world could have looked like with our missing generations. But we do know that the reality of abortion is gruesome. Photos depicting fetal development and the results of abortion show the harsh truth of "choice." WARNING!!! THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE EXTREMELY GRAPHIC.