Construction Update

May 2, 2024

Ongoing Activities

Construction crews are upgrading pedestrian ramps at selected locations along the 400 South/500 South corridor to comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. They plan to finish up to four ramp locations daily. Concrete needs seven days to cure, so please refrain from using the ramps for seven days. For your safety, follow posted pedestrian detours. The photos below show demolition, site preparation, and concrete work similar to other areas between State Street and 1300 East on this corridor.

Other Highlights:

This project involves removing old asphalt and placing new asphalt pavement to enhance this crucial east-west route. it also involves:

  • ADA Ramp Upgrades: Modifications ensure sidewalk transitions are accessible to everyone.
  • Adjusting Manholes: Lowering utility accesses (ie. manholes and water valves) to allow for milling.
  • Milling: Removing old asphalt which will make the roadway rough temporarily.
  • Paving: Applying new asphalt for a smooth finish.
  • Raising Manholes and Valves: Adjusting utility access points to the new roadway surface.
  • Roadway Striping: Applying final paint for striping/crosswalks/messages to new pavement.

Schedule & Impacts

  • Pedestrian Ramps: Daytime work Monday through Friday 7am to 7pm.
  • Roadway: Nighttime work Sunday through Thursday 8pm to 7am.
  • Temporary sidewalks closures during ped ramp demolition and reconstruction.
  • Lane shifts and temporary lane closures during construction. 
  • Nearby residents will notice construction-related noise and vibration.


Sidewalk Closures

Construction of updated pedestrian ramps will require temporary sidewalk closures. Crews are working along the north side of 400/500 South throughout the corridor. Pedestrians are encouraged to use the south side of 400/500 South and follow posted detours.

UTA Information

We do not anticipate this project to interfere with UTA routes/stops along 400 South/500 South.

Click the UTA logo at left for route and schedule information

Project Background

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) undertaking a pavement rehabilitation project on 400/500 South (SR-186) from State Street to 1300 East in Salt Lake City. The project is anticipated to last through August 2024 and also includes upgrading selected pedestrian sidewalk ramps to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. 

Contact the Team

This project has a dedicated Public Involvement Team to answer questions or concerns you may have throughout construction. If you are interested in joining our mailing list to receive weekly construction activity updates, contact our team using the information below:

Project Hotline - 800-292-3557

Email -

Project Website:

There are several other regional projects taking place this construction season.

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