Council 15996
Honor Guard
Sir Knights Brothers,

Our Council is in the planning stages of organizing a Fourth Degree Honor Guard for Saint Clare Catholic Church.

The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to encourage active Catholic citizenship and foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large.

The Honor Guard members exemplify all the principles of our Order:

  • Charity - by the gift of their time and energies necessary to practice, perfect and perform the ceremonials and sword drill.
  • Unity - by the united efforts of Sir Knights to practice and perfect a coordinated drill for the good of the Church and the Order.
  • Fraternity - by expressing an “Esprit de Corps,” sharing a common desire for drill excellence and camaraderie; and
  • Patriotism - by performing precision drill as a salute to God and to county and visually exhibiting a love for both.

Ideally, we would like a minimum of ten Sir Knights to form the Saint Clare Honor Guard. If we have more volunteers, all the better.

The Honor Guard will be available at the direction of our Pastors. The functions Honor Guard usually participate in includes: First Communions, Confirmations, Funerals and other ceremonial activities our Pastors deem appropriate.

In order to participate as an Honor Guard we must be properly attired in the Official Regalia Dress. The Regalia Dress consist of a specific blazer, trousers, necktie and a beret. When outfitted with a sword a Service Baldric is also worn.

The total package for the Regalia is approximately $500.00. The Fourth Degree Assembly will reimburse Sir Knights $150.00 towards the cost of each Regalia. Currently, our Council is also considering an additional stipend to each Sir Knight who purchases their Regalia.

Please indicated below if you are interested in participation in Saint Clare’s Honor Guard.

We realize that this topic has been discussed previously, please help us determine current interest via the link below.

Vivat Jesus!
GK Jim 3