June 2023

The views expressed by Commissioner Ryan Baty in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the governing body of the Sedgwick County Board of County Commissioners or Sedgwick County Government.

Public Works in District Four

From mid-July through October, many heavily traveled roads in Sedgwick County will get a facelift. Crews will remove rough, old asphalt around many bridges, curbs and gutters and replace it with new paving and a protective overlay. This will smooth out the road surface for drivers and protect our streets for the future!

Important Election Dates to Remember

Sedgwick County's Primary Election is Tuesday, Aug. 1, with five races/issues for voters to decide:

  • Wichita Mayor
  • Wichita City Council, District 4
  • Wichita USD 259 At-Large
  • Cheney USD 268 At-Large
  • Park City local sales tax question

Even before Election Day, there are several important dates to keep in mind. For example, July 11 is the last day to register to vote in the primary. To learn more, visit Election Office | Sedgwick County, Kansas.

County Counselor Retiring After 36 Years of Service

Family, friends and co-workers honored County Counselor Mike Pepoon with a retirement reception after his last Board of County Commission meeting. His final day on the job will be July 7. His successor, Justin Waggoner (pictured on the right), has worked for Sedgwick County 10 years.

Sedgwick County Fire District Uses New Service to Alert Drivers

Sedgwick County Fire District 1 (SCFD) has a new way to warn drivers that a fire truck is responding to an emergency and motorists need to use caution. SCFD vehicles are now equipped with a system called HAAS Alert that automatically sends digital notifications to drivers in the area, when a fire truck’s lights and sirens are activated. The alerts appear through GPS on the cars’ navigation and entertainment screens and on drivers’ cell phones, letting them know a fire truck is en route or on the scene of an urgent call.

Watch the video below to learn more about HAAS Alert.

Non-Emergency Line Active during July 4 Holiday 

The Sedgwick County Courthouse and Sedgwick County offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Emergency services are available by dialing or texting 9-1-1.

The Sedgwick County Emergency Communications’ non-emergency phone line, 316-290-1011, will be available 6 p.m. - 3 a.m. June 30 through July 5.


This line functions as an alternative to 9-1-1 and is meant to receive calls for non-emergency nuisances that do not pose a threat to life or property; examples include complaints about parties, excess noise and fireworks. It was established to prevent an influx of nuisance calls that can block emergency calls from reaching a call taker. If someone calls 9-1-1 with a non-emergency nuisance complaint, he or she will be transferred to the non-emergency line.

Second phase of Civic Ready Alerts includes many more cities

Sedgwick County Emergency Management (SCEM) launched the second phase of Civic Ready Alerts to include 17 more cities, in addition to the two initial test sites of Wichita and Mt. Hope. Residents who sign up for this free service will receive notifications by phone or email of emergencies or important news in their community.

Click https://buff.ly/3XmNXya to opt-in, customize how you want to be contacted and which notifications you want to receive!

Protect Yourself Against Mosquitoes This Summer

Fight the bite this summer and protect yourself against mosquitoes. The Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) suggests following the three D's to avoid mosquito bites. Drain standing water; the insects breed in standing water. Use mosquito dunks or mosquito-eating fish in ponds and stagnant water. Use insect repellent that contains DEET; this offers the best protection against mosquito bites. Dress appropriately; wear loose-fitting clothing when outdoors, especially at dawn and dusk when insects are most active.

To protect you and your family, SCHD is offering no-cost mosquito dunks this summer. Pick one up at the clinic at 1900 E. 9th St., or call (316) 660-7300 for more information.

Sedgwick County needs YOU on an advisory board or committee!

The Board of County Commissioners values input from its citizens and encourages you to consider serving on an advisory board or committee in one of the five districts. Click here to see a list of current vacancies.

Out and About with Commissioners

Wichita Riverfest 2023 kicked off with a parade downtown, and several commissioners and other elected officials participated with their family members.

A special dinner was held to honor the legislative delegation from South-Central Kansas. Commissioners gathered with other state policymakers to discuss the top issues.

The Future Ready Manufacturing Center is now open and ready for exploration! Commissioners recently took a tour of the facility and were impressed by the FAA-certified airplane USD 259 students are building and the state-of-the-art equipment they are using.

As a former baseball player himself, Commissioner Baty enjoyed attending the League 42 Open House and Dedication and meeting Bob Lutz, founder of the local non-profit that gives Wichita's urban children the opportunity to play baseball without the hefty cost.

Contact Commissioner Ryan Baty



100 N. Broadway, Ste. 660, Wichita, KS 67202

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