The 2021 Legislative Session has come to an end with the passage of several bills the Chamber supported - including COVID Liability Protections, Transportation Funding, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, and Wayfair (Internet Sales Tax) to name a few. We are very pleased with the passage of these bills. Be sure to thank our legislators for their support for these bills.

But session did not end without some excitement. In the last week of session, Senator Eigel added an amendment to one of the Wayfair Bills that was being considered that would have eliminated Personal Property Taxes for St. Charles County. The Chamber did not have a position in favor or against his amendment, but had concerns over how each of the political subdivisions would have been impacted.

In the coming months, we hope to coordinate a meeting between each of the municipalities, political subdivisions, chambers and legislators to see if there is a plan to replace this revenue and if this is something that we can support in the future.

Also, we are finalizing the details on an End of Session Legislative Breakfast to include the St. Charles County legislative delegation on June 9. This will be a join effort with the other chambers in St. Charles County. Watch your email inbox for additional details and registration information.

Stay tuned.
Scott Tate
President & CEO
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Road to Recovery: Legislative success brings reason for...

The Missouri General Assembly has passed vital, forward-looking legislation that will modernize our infrastructure, safeguard reopening businesses and prepare Missourians for the post-pandemic economy - proposals championed by the Missouri...

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Repair and modernize our transportation infrastructure

The legislation passed this year will invest a much-needed $500 million per year in transportation funding for state, county and city projects. The bill would phase in an increase in the gas tax by 2.5 cents each year over five years. It includes a rebate mechanism so that drivers who do not wish to pay the increase can get their money back. The legislation also phases in increased fees on electric vehicles.

The Greater St. Charles County Chamber has always supported increases in transportation funding and this year joined Missouri Can't Wait - a coalition of chambers and businesses across the state show our joint support. Our county has benefited greatly over the years on major projects including Hwy. 364.
Stop opportunistic COVID-19 lawsuits

Missouri lawmakers also took decisive action to stop an expected wave of COVID-19 lawsuits coming in the wake of the pandemic. The Missouri Chamber’s call for action on this topic was joined by roughly 800 employers and Missourians who signed a letter in support of action to stop COVID-19 litigation.
Provide sales tax fairness for local businesses

Since the arrival of internet retailers, physical stores in Missouri have been competing at a big disadvantage. However, Missouri lawmakers have finally put all retailers on equal footing by requiring online sellers to collect sales tax.

This has been a priority of chambers across the state for several years. We are happy to see local retailers on an even playing field.
Train Missourians for in-demand jobs

Apprenticeships are one vital tool that can help quickly upskill Missourians for in-demand jobs. Lawmakers have passed legislation that will boost apprenticeship by allowing the state’s 529 savings plan to be used for apprenticeship expenses. In addition, lawmakers have passed language to establish a statewide plan that would enhance career and technical education in the state, expanding access to valuable employment-focused training during high school.
Modernize Missouri's utilities infrastructure

Legislation passed this year would allow water and wastewater management providers to upgrade and repair systems proactively — saving ratepayers money. In addition, lawmakers voted to create a renewable natural gas program, allowing utilities to capture methane gas to be used as biogas, a renewable source of energy.
Safeguard against prescription drug abuse

Drug addiction impacts Missouri employers directly. It impacts productivity, safety and morale at work. It also drives up employer-paid prescription costs. Missouri has been the only state in the nation without a statewide prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP), which allows medical professionals to view what prescriptions their patients have been taking before they prescribe. Having access to this information empowers doctors to detect drug abuse early and provide appropriate care for patients at risk of substance abuse disorder, helping prevent deaths and addressing the trends of addiction in our state.

St. Charles County had already joined others locally. We joined in the effort to get this to pass statewide.
$10 million for broadband internet expansion

Internet access has become an essential resource that’s needed to run a business, complete schoolwork and communicate. Expanding broadband has been an ongoing priority of the Missouri Chamber for years, and the COVID-19 crisis made the need for this even more clear. House Bill 7 allocates $10 million of federal funding for rural broadband internet grants. 
Create guidelines allowing innovative new delivery technology

Companies like Amazon and FedEx will soon be able to deploy innovative delivery technology in Missouri thanks to the passage of Senate Bill 176. Having clear policy in place for the use of PDDs puts Missouri on the map for companies utilizing these devices. Their use could also help reduce road congestion by relieving some of the need to ship products by truck.
Greater St. Charles County Chamber of Commerce
5988 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, St. Charles, MO 63304