In this edition:
- 7 August 2023 Special Election
- 2023 Irrigation Season Update
- A Canal Update
- 2024 Pre-Budget Development Update
- U.S. Supreme Court Petition Update
- Upcoming Events
- News stories and political issues impacting the District
Bob Wynne shares 'The View From Here'
- Job Opportunities
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On 5 April 2023, the Department of the Interior announced a $8.75 Million investment to study and repair Klamath Reclamation Project irrigation canals under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). This money was passed to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to exercise control of the funding.
Read the details of this investment announcement in these two links.
Klamath Project receives $8.75M to study, repair canals under federal infrastructure law | News |
Fiscal Year 2023 Aging Infrastructure Projects, Bureau of Reclamation (
Since Reclamation is stating the available funding may only be accessed through a contract with the United States requiring repayment, ORS 545.511(a)(b) requires K.I.D. to conduct an election to determine the right of the District to enter into a repayment contract with the United States. Therefore, the K.I.D. Board has ordered an election to enable landowners to vote on this measure in response to the Secretary of the Interior’s announcement of a funding opportunity for investment in the A Canal and the Upper C Canal to address acute issues identified in routine inspections.
On August 7, 2023, the Klamath Irrigation District (K.I.D. / District) will be conducting an election on Klamath Irrigation District 2023 Ballot Measure No. 1. A copy of Measure 1 can be read here.
K.I.D. encourages every patron to review the measure, gather information, and participate in the election.
A “yes” vote authorizes the K.I.D. Board of Directors to negotiate and contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation to borrow $3.75 million to be used for repair and improvements to the Upper C-Canal, including costs of engineering and required environmental assessments.
A “no” vote does not allow the K.I.D. Board of Directors negotiate and enter into a contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation to borrow a maximum of $3.75 million to finance costs of engineering, environmental impact assessments, and repair and improvements to the Upper C-Canal.
Based on information gathered from routine inspections, the Board of Directors has determined there is a need for repairs and improvements to the A-Canal and Upper C-Canal. Before these repairs and improvements can be made, engineering and environmental assessment work must be completed. The K.I.D. Board is considering negotiating and entering into a contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation to borrow a maximum of $3.75 million to finance the cost of this repair work. If K.I.D. enters a contract with Reclamation to borrow these funds, the borrowed amount, plus interest and any penalties, would be repaid over time with funds K.I.D. collects through annual assessments. If K.I.D. does not contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation to borrow these funds, the K.I.D. Board will be required to decide whether to forgo the repairs and improvements or proceed with the repairs and improvements and find a different way to pay for the costs. If K.I.D. contracts to borrow money from the United States, it may impact KID’s existing requests for title transfer of certain irrigation works, as the United States will likely require the borrowed funds to be fully repaid before issuing legal title of the infrastructure to K.I.D.. However, it is also unknown whether the United States will otherwise grant K.I.D.’s existing title transfer requests.
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Reclamation Issues 2023 Drought Plan
On 5 July 2023, Reclamation issued its 2023 Drought Plan. Oregon Water Conditions Report published on 17 July 2023 states, “Reservoir storage contents are measuring near or above normal in many USBR (including Klamath) projects.”
Neither Oregon, nor California's Governors have declared a drought in the Klamath Basin.
Reclamation's 2023 pseudo drought plan demands Klamath Irrigation District to limit Warren Act districts and individual farmers to only deliver 0.6 acre feet of water per acer. On average, crops grown in the Klamath Reclamation Project require 2 acre feet of water per acre applied to a field for a marketable product.
K.I.D.'s District Manager has signed over 100 curtailment letters since Reclamation published its pseduo drought plan in direct conflict with his contractual obligations
Reclamation's Klamath Basin Area Office is issuing guidance contrary to K.I.D.'s contractual obligations. Although greater quantities of water are physically available for diversion in Upper Klamath Lake, the District is not exercising authority over other district or individual contracts. The Districts and Landowners for whom K.I.D. has assumed the United States’ water delivery obligations own rights to divert and use greater quantities of water. The contractual obligations K.I.D. has assumed entitle these contractors to the delivery of greater quantities of water. Reclamation is not obligated to keep the elevation of UKL at or above 4139.2 under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The absence of any ESA obligation to keep the elevation of UKL at or above 4139.2 is expressly admitted in the Drought Plan itself, which states:
“Reclamation will operate the Project to achieve an end-of-season UKL minimum elevation of 4,139.2 feet, exceeding the FWS BiOP minimum elevation requirement of 4,138 feet.”
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife BiOp provides that the existence of endangered suckers in UKL will not be jeopardized so long as the elevation of UKL is at or above 4,138 feet at the end of the irrigation season. This elevation is set above natural fall conditions to prevent pelican predation at the entrance to Pelican Bay. Previous opinions stated an elevation of 4,137.7 allowed 3 feet of water to be above the natural reef to Pelican Bay; this opinion is based upon one observer in a different watershed observing pelicans diving up to 3 feet, so the suggestion was adopted for UKL.
The Department of Interior attorneys expect K.I.D. to follow the unlawful directives from the Klamath Basin Area Office. The 1954 Contract imposes a mandatory duty on K.I.D. to deliver water “in the quantities, at the times and the points of diversion from the transferred works as required from time to time by the contractors that have executed contracts with the United States in such manner as to meet obligations which Reclamation has assumed under said contracts.” See, Article 13(e).
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1 August 2023 Muti-District Operations Meetings Notes
District Managers across the Klamath Reclamation Project hold a routine meeting to discuss operations and deconflict inter-district issues. In our last meeting, Reclamation representatives expressed the following:
The unnaturally high fall elevation for Upper Klamath Lake of 4,139.2 is 1.2 feet above the buffer on the biological opinion of the elevation opined for the endangered suckers to escape pelican predation as the suckers move in and out of Pelican Bay. This elevation is anticipated to be reached much sooner than some of the farmers will have their crops ready for harvest to bring to market. Very little water is available for the needs of our ecosystem and refuges at this unnaturally high fall elevation on Upper Klamath Lake.
Inflows to Upper Klamath Lake were well under expectations for July; the amount of water observed as inflow to the lake on many days this year is less than we have seen in the last several years of drought.
Reclamation asked the district managers how they were going to manage the end of season demands given that between 10,000 to 50,000 acre-feet of water is now not anticipated as being available above the 4,139.2 Reclamation unfounded edict.
The district managers expressed their frustration with Reclamation's approach to the situation and asked Reclamation representatives to reassess their analysis on end of season lake levels given numerous factors, to include the effects of dam removal activities and ditrict legal obligations. No response to the manager's questions are currently available.
Reclamation's charts shared with the managers on 1 August can be reviewed here...
Given current crop demand, weather conditions, and other factors, it is likely that the elevation of Upper Klamath Lake in mid-August may result in conflict with Reclamation's 4,139.2 fiat.
| | Image found on Pinterest, associated with New Yorker Cartoons. |
'Biblical' plague of grasshoppers reveals unintended consequences of a dewatered landscape | For several weeks now, as the morning cool turns to the heat of the day, vast swarms of voracious grasshoppers have been pouring out of the dry, largely barren Lower | |
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A Canal Maintenance Update | |
Acute conditions along the 9 miles of urban canal above most of the town of Klamath Falls, Altamont, and other suburban areas continue to keep the focus of the district's management staff.
Several of the active areas are stable in no addition property damage is being observed. Routine inspections of these areas indicate conditions are not deteriorating.
The district has conducted core-trenching of the A Canal near the Klamath Union High School in the recent days which appears to have temporarily resolved a recuring problem near the old Herald and News building. Many problems related to the 2021 denial of water to the system by Reclamation have been addressed.
Regional and national level Reclamation staff conducted a full day of inspections of the urban canal sections on 1 August 2023 with no new findings or recommendations for the District to address.
Technical staff from Denver collected data with ground penetrating radar and electrical conductivity probing along a select portion of the A Canal the week of 10 July. The results of this data collection are anticipated to take 4 weeks to be processed and provided to Reclamation's local area office. A GeoTech performed an inspection of this select area below the A Canal in early July. These results are not yet available for analysis. The district manager provided updates to the residents in this neighborhood on 25 July. This resulted in additional information being shared with the District and additional data being requested and collected for analysis. The District has asked select stakeholders to address some issues which may be contributing to the observed excessive ground water levels.
Reclamation has indicated it is willing to spend $5 Million in development of an engineering design to address select areas of the A Canal. No other requested non-reimbursable funding our team has lobbied for is currently available to begin addressing these infrastructure issues.
The District has asked our partners to encourage Reclamation to look at its authority under the Infrastructure Law’s Section 40904 funding for Critical Maintenance and Repair to provide non-reimbursable assistance to improve the infrastructure above the state the infrastructure was constructed for human safety concerns. Reclamation's response was this would require a Commissioner level discussion; no discussion is currently scheduled.
Our elected representative are informed of the situation and are attempting to assist the District find any non-reimbursable funding opportunities.
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2024 Pre-budget Development Update | |
Per Oregon Revised Statue 545, District By-Laws, and policy, the District Executive Director must present the 2024 requested budget to the district Board of Directors for their approval at or prior to the November Board of Directors meeting. The executive director is currently working on the 2024 budget request.
As K.I.D. begins looking at maintenance tasks this fall and into 2024 the following items are weighing on our calculators:
- A Canal fall maintenance tasks will likely be more detailed this maintenance season than in the previous few years.
- Link River Dam operations and maintenance costs are increasing in 2024 to over $300,000 (over triple than budgeted for 2023).
- Reclamation's desire to improve the Link River Dam may result in Reclamation asking the farmers to enter into a long-term repayment contract for the repairs desired.
- Keno Dam operations and maintenance costs are projected to be over $300,000 in 2024, with some portion of this cost being expressed as the responsibility of Klamath Reclamation Project farmers. This is a new expense.
- - Reclamation appears to not have a clear plan to how to operate and maintain the Keno dam.
- - Our U.S. CongressionalRepresentatives's requests to have Reclamation address the immense costs associated with Keno are yet unanswered.
- Addressing areas where emergency repairs were made in 2023 will require a significant amount of time and resources.
- Title Transfer costs currently are unknown, although the debt to the U.S. was paid off on 4 May 1965, Reclamation claims more funds are due to the Federal government to transfer ownership of the property to the people who paid 100% for the building, maintenance, and operation of the infrastructure.
- The cost of materials for bridge maintenance, culverts, rock, fuel, and steel all continue to increase at rates not seen since the early 1970s.
- Parts for the A Canal Headworks and pumping stations are becoming harder to find, and more expensive if they are able to be found. Finding a balance between fabricating parts to fix outdated equipment or investing in new equipment that is not built to the same level of quality is a fine line to performing the cost-benefit analysis.
- Balancing modernization to make the system more efficient and desire to reduce risks with the requirement to maintain the current infrastructure in various states of disrepair. To date, the BIL and Inflation Reduction Act have not benefited the district with any funding to offset costs to the farmers who pay to operate the District. PL566 funds are anticipated to help the D Canal system improvement plan over the next several years. WaterSMART grants have proven to be time vampires with our 2020 SCADA WaterSMART grant not yet fully approved since it was announced nearly 3 years ago. Although we are moving forward slowly, we do not have approval for 3 sites, and inflation is eating heavily into our 2020 projected budget. Applying for other grants exceeding $1M over the past two years has taken a great deal of time with no fruit.
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U.S. Supreme Court Petition Update | |
Klamath Irrigation District filed a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court to safeguard water rights from a 2019 case wrongfully dismissed by the federal district court.
The petition to the Supreme Court signals a crucial juncture in the long-running dispute between farmers and the federal government over water rights in Oregon’s Upper Klamath Lake. Over the past fifty years, the State of Oregon has remained dedicated to finalizing a comprehensive stream adjudication process to accurately determine ALL state and federal water rights in the Upper Klamath Basin. Throughout this process, the federal government and tribes have consistently contested Oregon’s authority to adjudicate their rights. However, over thirty years ago, the Ninth Circuit dismissed these challenges in United States v. State of Or., 44 F3d 758, 762 (9th Cir 1994), ruling that the McCarran Amendment (43 U.S.C. §666) waives the United States’ sovereign immunity, allowing the State of Oregon to adjudicate all state and federal water rights, including those of tribes, in Oregon’s Klamath Basin.
Read more…
Read K.I.D.'s petition to the U.S. Supreme Court…
Read the case history…
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The AG Mag - RB9 Publishing highlights this case
Water Rights Across the West
Why is this dismissal important to water-rights holders across the U.S.?
“This dismissal mirrors any place where there’s an overlap between water rights and tribal trust obligations across the West,” said KID Executive Director Gene Souza. “In other words, any water issue on federal land where Native American tribes have an interest can be effectively shut down by tribal interests citing sovereignty.”
Souza said the McCarran Amendment, which was enacted into law by Congress in 1952 and is named for Senator Pat McCarran of Nevada. “Describes what’s going
on in the Klamath Basin. The Feds have continuously tried to sidestep this piece of legislation.”
Yet, according to KID’s Supreme Court petition, since the adjudication order was issued, the federal government has consistently failed to comply, diverting stored water in Upper Klamath Lake for non-irrigation purposes and depriving KID and its landowners of the property/ water they are entitled to under their adjudicated water rights.
Native American Tribes intervened in the case, claiming potential indirect impacts on their interests and invoking Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19 to seek dismissal of
KID’s case against the federal government. The tribal claims were based on the claim that their sovereign immunity prevented KID from including them as parties, as mandated by Rule 19. The trial court concurred with the Tribe’s argument, resulting in the dismissal of KID’s case and with no ability to enforce its water rights.
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Klamath Reclamation Project ESA Consultation
The Bureau of Reclamation will hold an open forum to continue discussions on the development of the Klamath Project Proposed Action as they begin re-initiation of Consultation meetings for the Long-Term Operation of the Klamath Reclamation Project.
9 August - Invitation by Reclamation Only
Read KWUA Comments on this process....
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Tulelake Shindig Street Fair & Bazaar & Car Show |
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Lydia Gil on Facebook or email
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Enjoy local vendors, music and food located on Main Street, Klamath Falls.
August 17 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Klamath Basin Octoberfest - Basin Life |
The Klamath County Economic Development Association (KCEDA) announced that beloved community tradition, the Klamath Basin Oktoberfest, is officially scheduled for September 23rd, 2023. Whether you wear lederhosen or Levi's, what's for certain is you won't want to miss this festival come fall. The event has had groundbreaking attendance in previous...
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Upcoming Events - MyBasin - Basin Mediactive LLC | AMAZING ESTATE SALE!! Entire household for sale includes beautiful furniture, gourmet kitchen items and artwork. Appliances, books, patio furniture, yard and garden supplies galore. Washer and dryer Make time for this wonderful sale! This estate sale will | | |
Nearby OSU Extension Service Events |
Jun 22 - Sep 28
Central Point, OR
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Central Point, OR
9:00 am - 11:00 am PDT Online
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm PDT Online
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Central Point, OR
10:00 am - 3:00 pm Central Point, OR
Sep 12 - Dec 12
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Central Point, OR
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Central Point, OR
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Central Point, OR
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Central Point, OR
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Central Point, OR
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Oregon Water Law
OCTOBER 26 & 27, 2023
For our 32nd year, we continue the tradition of gathering the most active, diverse, and experienced Oregon water law experts to address the issues of the day.
Our program will provide an update on recent water-related legislative and administrative developments, along with discussions of the key issues driving water policy. Practitioners from a wide array of viewpoints will address complex water supply and management challenges in several of Oregon’s watersheds, along with other recent decisions involving water distribution, water access, storage permits, and hydropower licensing.
We hope you will join us for this excellent program.
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Conservation without Conflict Summit
February 20-22, 2024
Conservation Without Conflict is expanding its impact as a strong, unified voice for voluntary and collaborative wildlife conservation on working lands across America. Join us at our Summit to make your voices heard as we celebrate past accomplishments and examine the future value proposition of the coalition.
Our summit's purpose is to pivot from identity-formation and planning to capacity-building and action. We have built a strong foundation for CWC to take concrete actions toward our shared goal. To ensure that we use our limited resources to achieve the greatest impact on the ground, we need you to be a part of this transition from planning and process to action and advancement.
The meeting will be held in the Washington DC metro area. As we move forward with organizing and planning the Summit, we will share more information.
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2023 FCA Summer Social 11 August 2023 - Hood River
Join FCA for an evening of eats, drinks, and great company. Families welcome.
Guest are also encouraged to sign up for a tour of Farmers Irrigation District and their modernization projects.
Hotel room blocks have been reserved by FCA and are available to guests. Click the RSVP link for more details
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Conservation without Conflict: A Persuasive Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Collaborative Conservation - Conservation Without Conflict | Conservation efforts are critical to preserving our planet's precious biodiversity, especially listed and at-risk species. However, different approaches to conservation practices often impede progress, inadvertently create conflict, and hinder the achievement of our shared environmental goals. This persuasive step-by-step guide aims to inspire and empower readers to embrace voluntary, collaborative conservation practices. | | | |
In this issue:
- Lakeside Farms Habitat Restoration
- Keep the Feedback Coming
- Birding around Upper Klamath Lake - Part Three
- Species Spotlight: Western Tanager
- Event Calendar
- Share this Newsletter
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Relevant News and Political Issues Effecting Our District | |
"Biblical" plague of grasshoppers reveals unintended consequences of a de-watered landscape | KLAMATH BASIN - For several weeks now, as the morning cool turns to the heat of the day, vast swarms of voracious grasshoppers have been pouring out of the dry, largely barren Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge into the surrounding irrigated farm fields around Merrill and Tulelake. Concerns are | | | |
Klamath deputies find, destroy three illegal marijuana grow operations | The Klamath County Sheriff's Office executed search warrants on three properties on Wednesday and Thursday. | |
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Historic change: Facing drought, legislators impose water limits on livestock
| Large livestock operations will face stricter water rules in Oregon under a bill passed by state lawmakers earlier this year, in the wake of controversies surrounding the now shuttered mega-dairy | | | |
Bob Wynne provides 'The View from Here' | We made National news yesterday.national | | | |
As work begins on the largest US dam removal project, tribes look to a future of growth | SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - The largest dam removal project in United States history is underway along the California-Oregon border - a process that won't conclude until the end of next | | | |
RE: Adverse Impacts of Construction Related to Klamath Dam Removal Project & Fall Creek Fish Hatchery Construction - Siskiyou News | Submitted Letter to Siskiyou News TO: Mr. Heath Bauer - General Superintendent - Kiewit Mr. Jason Askim - Project Superintendent - JrMerit RE: Adverse Impacts of Construction Related to Klamath Dam Removal Project & Fall Creek Fish Hatchery Construction Via Email Only Dear Heath & Jason: [...] | | | |
Klamath Dam Removal Update | |
This video shows what is currently happening downriver of Keno. Rumors indicate that many small fish have been killed in this dam removal operation as the temperature of the water being released from Iron Gate dam is too warm for Chinook hatchery fish. This rumor is not addressed in the KFHAT weekly reports and no written reports or media coverage appears to be available on this issue. |
Klamath Basin Monitoring Program
Current Readiness Levels:
Yellow - Mainstem Klamath River- IGH to Mouth (elevated temperatures, localized disease observations), Mainstem Trinity River (elevated temps, disease observations in Upper Trinity), Salmon River (elevated temps and turbidity concerns), Shasta River (elevated temps, low flows), South Fork Trinity (elevated temps, sediment concerns)
Green - Scott River (favorable conditions)
| | | Just Keep Swimming: Estimating survival of juvenile Chinook from Upper Klamath Lake to Keno Dam | |
Heated water flows, fish disease | There have been reports of spring salmon with gill rot (Columnaris) in the upper Trinity. This is true and is under investigation by USFW, NOAA and CDFW fish biologists. I | | |
Construction Begins on Mid-Klamath Basin Fish Passage Project |
In July 2023, after much effort by state, federal, tribal partners, and private landowners, construction began on the Scott-Bar Mill Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project.
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Billions spent on hatcheries, habitat fails to help native Columbia River salmon, study finds - Oregon Capital Chronicle | An Oregon State professor and U.S. Geological Survey biologist reviewed 50 years of data on fish survival and hatchery costs. | | | |
Meet the $2.7 billion frog | There's political peril in the whopping price tags the Fish and Wildlife Service attaches to recovering some endangered species. | | |
Family Farm Alliance August "Monthly Briefing" Now Available! | The Senate Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) Water and Power Subcommittee last month heard testimony on sixteen bills dealing with the impacts of drought across the West, including restoration of fish habitat and permitting new hydropower projects. Prior to the hearing, the Family Farm Alliance submitted written testimony that addressed most of the bills that were heard. | | | |
Ocean colors changing due to climate change, OSU study finds | Surface waters in more than half the world's oceans have been changing color during the last two decades due to human-caused climate change, researchers found. | | | |
OSU student surprised professor with unique pest control innovation | Holly Golightly, 23, a soil science major at Oregon State University, is using plants to control insect pests by eating them. | | | |
WDFW: Barred owls must go to save spotted owls |
Northern spotted owls are probably doomed in Washington in the next decade unless barred owls are sacrificed, according to a new report by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
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Vilsack on Snake River dams: Ag 'well-represented' in mediation | U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Aug. 1 that farmers are well-represented in the mediation taking place on the lower Snake River dams. | | | |
Endangered butterfly spurs strict pesticide limits in OR, WA |
Most pesticide uses would be prohibited across immense swaths of land in western Oregon and Washington under a federal proposal to heighten protections for an endangered butterfly.
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Leading Equine Scientist Joins Wild Horse Fire Brigade's Team To Help Save Wild Horses Via Nature-Based Solution | Wild Horse Fire Brigade's nature-based solution for wild horse management that reduces catastrophic wildfire has gained international attention and acclaim | |
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Research aims to make digester water usable for irrigation | A team of researchers at Oregon State University is developing new technology to recycle wastewater from anaerobic digesters so it can be used to irrigate crops. | | | |
Oregon scraps CAFO waiver for personal raw milk production | Oregon farm regulators have decided against waiving Confined Animal Feeding Operation permits for dairies that only produce milk for personal consumption. | | | | |
California aims to tap beavers, once viewed as a nuisance, to help with water issues and wildfires | Beavers have long been treated as a nuisance for chewing down trees and shrubs and blocking up streams. | | | | |
New Biden Enviro Review Regs Address Climate, Communities - Law360 | The Biden administration on Friday proposed its widely anticipated second round of revisions to regulations governing federal agencies' environmental reviews, dismantling Trump-era rollbacks and boosting the priorities of climate activists, community advocates and renewable energy project backers. | | | |
High Court's Tribal Water Rights Ruling Steadies The Boat - Law360 | The U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling in Arizona v. Navajo Nation - concerning the federal government's obligations to help secure tribal access to water - overturns a Ninth Circuit decision that could have undermined existing state adjudication processes and unleashed a wave of tribal water rights claims, say attorneys at Perkins Coie. | | | |
Public Relations & Marketing Director - Klamath Water Users Association | KWUA is looking for an experienced, well-spoken communicator to lead our marketing and public affairs goals to benefit Klamath Project agriculture. | | | |
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