5-day Countdown to Our Week for Energy Challenge!


Harvesters' 3 Campuses in East Africa!


As you can imagine, reliable energy systems are essential to operate our 3 campuses on a daily basis. The energy resources we regularly rely on in South Sudan & Uganda include: firewood, charcoal, & fuel. Solar power also plays a vital role in providing energy on our campuses. 

With these resources we have the ability to provide food, water, electricity, transportation and healthcare services for the vulnerable orphans, students & patients we serve.

Together, we hope you can help us meet our 7-day challenge,

starting Monday, September 18th, to raise


to power our campuses in South Sudan & Uganda this year.

As John Lemeri says above...

you can help FUEL our campaign (& campuses)

with an early donation today!

Join us in this great effort to create a lasting change

in the lives of vulnerable women & children in East Africa! 

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