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5 Reasons Why You Should Use DataMaster
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What Is DataMaster?
DataMaster is like a superpower for appraisers. It helps them do more analysis faster and more accurately. With DataMaster, appraisers can do more of the tasks that make them money and less of the administrative work appraisers have to do now.
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1. Meets New FHA Guidelines
DataMaster's exclusive ability to compare data from the Neighborhood (larger market) with the specific property market means DataMaster already meets and exceeds new FHA requirements. Plus our 28 charts and graphs help appraisers supplement their analyses with easy–to–read charts and graphs.
2. Accuracy
DataMaster helps appraisers stand out from the crowd and reduce revision rates. In today's competitive environment, underwriters are sending more appraisals back for revisions. DataMaster gives appraisers access to the most accurate timely data so they can be confident in the data that supports their reports. All the data appraisers need is at their fingertips with no data entry errors or typos.
3. Fully Customizable Fields
Fully customizable fields —DataMaster allows appraisers to customize data fields and format them for each client and assignment.
4. Speed
One–click data entry makes it simple to get all the data appraisers need into their reports.
5. Bulletproof Workfile
DataMaster automatically saves all the data the appraiser considered, analyzed, and used in the report. The workfile is another tool appraisers need if they receive questions from their clients or from their state boards. DataMaster's digital workfile is like a firewall that protects appraisers from threats.
BONUS REASON. You Get DataMaster Free For 30 Days!
Click the button at the top of this email to learn more about DataMaster, and to get DataMaster for Free for an entire month.
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Ann O'Rourke, MAI, SRA, MBA
(510) 865-8041
[email protected]