December, 2022
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Top stories this month

  • 5 Tips To Improve Store Merchandising

  • Andrew Robinson Praises The Roksan Attessa Streaming Amplifier

  • Combo Review: Monitor Audio's Silver 100 7G Limited Edition With Roksan's Attessa Streaming Amplifier
5 Tips To Improve Store Merchandising

One of the best ways to bring more attention to your brands and drive sales is to ensure your store merchandising is attractive and effective. By creating interesting displays and improving visual merchandising, you will help to drive more customers to your store while also creating a positive experience for them while they explore and demo your products.

In this article we have outlined the top 5 tips for enhancing your store merchandising.
Andrew Robinson Praises The Roksan
Attessa Streaming Amplifier

With nearly 300,000 followers, Andrew Robinson has built quite the following as an audio and tech reviewer, and recently he sat down to take an in-depth look at Roksan's award-winning Attessa Streaming Amplifier.

He said the Attessa sound quality is "very detailed, responsive top to bottom and spacious with terrific separation."

Andrew also compared the Attessa with multiple other competitors, ranking the amplifier very high among them.

Andrew's review concluded with a nod to his 'Best Of Awards' video due to come out soon, and stated,
"...regardless of the outcome, the Roksan Attessa Streaming amplifier is already a winner."
Combo Review:
Monitor Audio's Silver 100 7G Limited Edition With Roksan's Attessa Streaming Amplifier

Expert reviewer Ed Selley from Sound Advice UK takes a closer look at Monitor Audio's Silver 100 7G Limited Edition speakers joined by Roksan's Attessa Streaming Amplifier.

Ed said the mid-bass driver has "impressive low-end weight" while voices and instruments "are consistently well handled".

Ed went on to say,
"Both of these items are strong performers on their own but in combination they’re hugely talented. When you combine this with the flexibility and user friendliness of the Attessa platform you have a seriously accomplished audio system."
The Silver 100 7G Limited Edition is available now