50.69 via the PWROG 
February 2017
The PWROG is actively supporting 10 CFR 50.69. Please read on to see what benefits are already in the works.
PWROG Vision
10 CFR 50.69 is an initiative that will save the industry millions. The PWROG 50.69 effort will assimilate into existing member programs. The PWROG is aligned with NEI, EPRI and the BWROG to deliver solutions while minimizing members' workload.
Efforts Underway & Planning
The PWROG is currently working on products to support 50.69. Work with your PWROG representatives to incorporate the deliverables available to the membership. 

The image to the right can help sites plan to use the PWROG deliverables.

The Programs
Tool for Risk Informed Operations
Westinghouse has provided the Risk Informed Operation Tool to the industry which enables a consistent approach to categorize across all sites. 

The PWROG will use this tool moving forward - while looking for industry input for enhancements.

The tool is a deliverable of PA-RMSC-1515 and will be distributed to the industry on February 17th, 2017. 

Training workshop will be held at April PWROG Joint Technical Committee Meeting.

The PWROG 50.69 team is supported by:
- Risk Management Committee
- Systems & Equipment Engineering Committee
- Westinghouse
- AER 

The PWROG 50.69 team is working with:
- DNP Risk Informed Operations Team
The Details
PWROG provided support for the NEI LAR Template in the Fall of 2016

PA-RMSC-1477 "ID of Common Low Risk High Cost SSCs"
- Surveys are out for member input
- PA will define best path forward for PWROG generic categorization

December 2016 Joint Committee Meeting - The Risk Management and SEE Committees held a group meeting (supported by NEI, EPRI and the BWROG) where the PWROG 50.69 support was agreed upon.

PA-RMSC-1515 "Industry Risk-Informed Operations Tool for 10 CFR 50.69 Categorization" 
- Provides the Risk Informed Categorization Tool to the industry to support a consistent approach

PA-RMSC-1516 "Development of Generic Categorization Process to Support Industry Implementation of 10 CFR 50.69" 
- Pilot program to generically categorize containment spray for the PWROG

PA-RMSC-1521 will generically categorize the next system identified via PA-RMSC-1477

PA-RMSC-1522 will generically categorize the next system identified via PA-RMSC-1477

Direct your questions to Damian at
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