Our Brand. Who We Are.
If you're looking for a corporate model-building company that can take you to the top, get you into the hottest publications, assist you with building awareness and help you become a household name, Official Glam Girls will take you there with stellar image and media consulting that will make you a star.
Official Glam Girls, a division of Style Elite Modeling & Talent Agency, is not a modeling agency; it is much more. It's a marketing, consulting, public relations, image development, booking and media management company that helps you develop your image and gives you the guidance of industry experts who create the foundation to propel your career to new heights.
Style Elite Modeling & Talent Agency (formerly Style Entertainment) has been known in the entertainment world for producing the best models and talent available for over 13 years, and includes several diversified divisions of model and actor types. The Official Glam Girls division of Style Elite has become so in-demand that it now serves aspiring models and rising stars independently as a separate entity. Even though most urban modeling agencies and management companies won't take on the hard work and financial risk of developing fresh faces in the industry, Official Glam Girls sees potential in all levels and makes it into success from the ground up. We're not looking for clients that are easy to win with; we're looking for the raw talent that shines through inexperience that we can lead to stardom.
Using a mix of traditional public relations techniques and Internet and viral marketing expertise, Official Glam Girls develops your image through photo shoots, appearances in magazines, social networking, radio, television, film and more. You already know some of the stars who shine because of Official Glam Girls, including Lola Monroe, aka Angel Lola Luv, who went from an unknown to a top model, actress, recording artist and businesswoman thanks to the help of Style Elite, Official Glam Girls, Evolutionary Artist Management and MiSS V. We also discovered Cat Washington of the Bad Girls Club: Miami (Season 6) and brought her from obscurity to a Style Elite/Official Glam Girls top model to a reality star, as well as Ophilia Just Right from VH1's Love of Ray J 2. Through a specialized plan, Official Glam Girls will help you achieve your short- and long-term goals in the entertainment industry.
As an Official Glam Girl, you'll have access to connections from our affiliate agencies: Style Elite Modeling & Talent Agency for your casting and booking needs; Mike Styles Company to build your industry connections and create your image through photography, film and video; Mike & Michelle Celebrity Booking Agency to assist you with venue hosting and appearances both in the States and abroad; Evolutionary Artist Management for those with ambitions in rap, singing, music producing, music writing and artist development and MiSS V Inc. for global branding, foundation development, merchandising and product development, strategic alliances and digital marketing and media awareness.
This entire family of companies combines and works together to build a solid foundation for you in areas such as appearing in publication and music videos, fashion shows and ad campaigns, promotional jobs like club hosting, TV gigs and reality shows, film projects, merchandising and development and more in both the United States and overseas. Clients who show effort, follow our advice, guidance and instructions can expect Official Glam Girls to help them "Be Seen, Get Known and Stay Relevant." As experts, we care about your success and will find limitless opportunities in modeling and beyond for you. Unlike other companies, we're willing to go out on a limb and take the time to nurture and inspire talent where others will not.
Don't be unknown any longer. Don't become obsolete. Be a rising star. Become an Official Glam Girl now and let us use our branding, consulting and marketing, image development, booking skills and industry connections to open the doors that will take you straight to the top.