Dear Friends,
This year, we mark the 50th year of celebrating Earth Day, on April 22. We know our friends and customers care deeply about environmental sustainability. When you buy Just Haiti Coffee, you are supporting our efforts to protect Haiti's fragile environment.
Haiti is reported to be 98% deforested, causing flooding, landslides, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity. Deforestation is one of the major underlying causes of poverty in Haiti, because of the loss of agricultural productivity, and because lack of trees worsens natural disasters, making them difficult to recover from.
One cause of deforestation in Haiti is the widespread use of wood for cooking charcoal. In the rural areas, charcoal is a cash crop--they cut down their trees and sell it as charcoal in order to feed their families. But our coffee is shade grown. If a coffee producer receives a high enough price for their coffee, the incentive is to keep their trees and grow coffee instead.
Our producers receive a price far above market, so that they not only keep their trees, but plant new ones. Just Haiti supports local tree-planting through our loan fund, and by providing training on planting and maintaining tree nurseries. Our work protects Haiti's environment, and also enables producers to earn a higher income so that they can support their families.
Our producers also receive training on composting, improving their yield without the use of chemicals.
Just Haiti provides our customers with the finest shade grown Arabica coffee, chemical-free, and shipped using recycled materials.
Individual orders or 3, 6,12 month subscriptions (at discount)