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The Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors will be hosting the 51st Annual Distinguished Citizens Awards Banquet in late February. The exact date of this event will be determined soon, however, the format of the event will be altered from what it's looked like in the past. After all, we are celebrating the year 2020!

What you can expect:
The event will be live streamed with award recipients, their families, and presenters of the awards in person following CDC guidelines. All other community members will be able to view the banquet via online streaming.

As you reflect on 2020, we hope that you think of people in our community that made a positive impact in Hermiston amidst a challenging year. We invite you to nominate that person, or people, to be a recipient of one of our Hermiston Chamber Community Awards:
Nomination forms are submitted electronically and will be accepted through February 1, 2021.