53206 Nameplate

North Division Launches Construction Class

North Division Construction 2023

In fall 2023, North Division High School began offering a construction course led by teacher Gene Llanas. This new course leads students through using tools to build the framework for a portion of a house—three bedrooms, hallway, and kitchen. The hands-on experience allows them to understand structures in ways that could be stepping stones for careers in architecture or engineering. After taking the class, senior Jason Newsome has decided to become an electrician and continue his education at MATC.


Junior Louis Moscato shared that this course has spurred a new passion for him. He discovered he likes working with his hands and states that this class is now his favorite and the main reason he is excited to come to school.


Next semester, students will learn how to wire outlets, finish drywall, build a foundation using masonry, and draw floorplans. About 90% of students at North Division have expressed interest in taking this course, so additional classes will be offered to meet the demand.

Updates from 53206 Schools

Elementary Schools

Auer Avenue — Students have helped craft a plan to improve safety outside Auer Avenue School. After partnering with Wisconsin Bike Fed to observe what's happening on the roads in their neighborhood, students created maps, marking where they think changes like traffic circles, curb extensions, or crosswalks are needed.


Benjamin Franklin — Milwaukee Bucks Forward and NBA All-Star Khris Middleton, along with United Healthcare, handed out new coats to MPS students and gift bags for educators.


Hopkins Lloyd — The Milwaukee Bucks and United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County hosted a Scholastic Book Fair.


Gwen T. Jackson — Leah Noid runs the Jackson Safe Place, a before- and after-school program and summer program for children up to age 13. Recently, she spent time teaching them about the Harlem Renaissance.


Keefe Avenue — Forward Scholars, a tutoring program operated by local nonprofit Common Ground, helps students gain reading confidence.


Robert M. LaFollette — The school offers small class sizes (18 students to one teacher) through grade 3, thanks to the Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program.


Middle School

Andrew S. Douglas — In addition to a robust core curriculum, Douglas features a GE Innovation Lab and Maker Space for students to explore science and creativity.


High School

North Division — Students won a $5,000 first prize in the STEM Jeopardy competition over a top-rated team from Kansas City.


Therapeutic Program

MPS Success Center — Select MPS students can spend nine weeks focusing on their mental health with targeted attention from teachers, therapists, yoga instructors, and mindfulness practitioners.

53206 News

Trauma Support Specialists

Every school in ZIP code 53206 has access to a full-time trauma support specialist and the mobile trauma crisis team. Each school also develops an individualized action plan to support students.


Save the Date!

53206 Initiative Open House/Community Event

Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Andrew S. Douglas Middle School

Register at https://mpsmke.com/53206showcase


Help Us Fill Vacancies

Teachers, paraprofessionals, and staff — we need you! Find a fulfilling career in 53206. Access the complete list of MPS employment opportunities.

District News

Important Calendar Changes

Because of school closures due to winter weather, MPS is adjusting school calendars. Please make note of these important changes.

To view the school calendars and find a list of schools on the traditional and early start calendars, visit the MPS School Calendars page.

Schools can answer any specific questions families may have.

Early Start Calendar Schools ONLY


Wednesday, April 10Pre-ACT Day

ALL high school students will attend school.

Traditional Calendar Schools ONLY

Friday, June 7Student Attendance Day

This was previously a Record Day.

Thursday, June 13Record Day—No student attendance

This was previously a Professional Development Day.


Career Training for Youth

Are you a student age 14 to 21 interested in career training? The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) can help you prepare for a career! Receive mentoring and work experience, develop job skills, and discover pathways to education beyond high school.

For more information or to enroll, contact Chee Thao at (414) 978-2000 extension 200 or email cthao@uncom-milw.org.

To learn more, download a flyer.


Milwaukee Direct Admit Opens Doors to College

Now high school juniors attending any MPS school can apply to Milwaukee’s two largest colleges in less than five minutes at no cost! By applying now, students will begin their journey to start college in Fall 2025.

Through a streamlined online application, Milwaukee Direct Admit will connect a student’s MPS transcript directly to MATC or UWM or both. The application is free and does not require attachments, an essay, or letters of recommendation. 

The application is open now—deadline is June 14, 2024!

Learn more about the details of this program!

Visit mpsmke.com/directadmit. Students can contact their school counselor or College and Career Center staff for help or questions.

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