54North Homes Customer Bulletin - March 2023

Welcome to our first Customer Bulletin as 54North Homes

I’m delighted that York Housing and Leeds & Yorkshire Housing Associations have now come together and although there is lots of integration work still going on behind the scenes, we are already seeing the benefits.
One of the top priorities as 54North Homes is to ensure we keep you, our customers, continually up to date with information that is relevant to you and that we provide lots of opportunities for you to feedback to us.
We will be sending out further information to all customers in the post shortly, but in the meantime please take 5 minutes to read this short bulletin of our latest news.

Mark Pearson
Managing Director, 54North Homes

If you would like to receive this Customer Bulletin in another language or format, please let us know. Or if you have any feedback or suggestions about content you would like to see in future bulletins. Please contact: georgina.thompson@54northhomes.co.uk
How to contact us

54North Homes has offices in York and Leeds (see addresses below). Please continue to contact the team/office you have previously dealt with and we will provide more information on any changes to contact details soon.
We will also shortly be launching a new 54North Homes website where you will be able to log repairs, search for available homes, read our latest news and find out all about our new organisation.
York office 
2 Alpha Court
Monks Cross Drive
Huntington, York 
YO32 9WN
Tel: 01904 636061   
Leeds office
3rd Floor, White Rose House
8 Otley Road
Headingley, Leeds
Tel: 0113 2783335
Rent review letters

You should have recently received a letter from us outlining your new rent for the coming year, beginning April 2023. If for any reason you have not received this, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

  • If you receive Universal Credit: On 1st April Universal Credit will automatically add a 'To-do' to your journal to update your housing costs. Please do this promptly on 1st April as your UC will not be increased until you do it and they do not backdate.
  • If you receive Housing Benefit: you will need to telephone or email your local council benefits team.
  • If you pay us by Direct Debit: you do not need to do anything. The amount will be automatically changed. Please check your statement. However, if you pay by any other method (such as online banking, or Allpay payment card) you will need to change the amount yourself. Please make sure this is done in time for 1st April, when your new rent is due.

We understand that times are tough at the moment, and we are here to help. If you are struggling to pay your rent and bills or are worried about spiraling debts, please contact us straight away. Our team can signpost you to the right sources of support to help you get your finances under control.
Whale sculpture unveiled in Staithes
We are delighted to see the fantastic whale sculpture that has been installed at our Endeavour Close development in Staithes to mark the cultural heritage of the Yorkshire coast.

The sculpture was erected in memory of the late Barbara Ballard, a past board member of York Housing Association and passionate supporter of social housing, whose generous donation to us in her will has funded the sculpture. Our Head of Housing and Customer Services, Rachael Swales, was joined at the unveiling of the statue by Barbara’s partner, Allan Roberts and local residents. 
Fire safety guidance

We wrote to all customers living in homes with shared communal areas in January to advise you of what to do in the event of a fire in your building. Please read and keep hold of this information – there is nothing more important than you and your family’s safety.
Free skills and employability training at Askham Bryan College

We are partnering with Askham Bryan College who offer free skills and employability training in York and Leeds, focussed on working outdoors and with animals.
The free, part-time 'Flex' course is a perfect introductory programme that can fit in with work and family commitments. Find out more: https://bit.ly/3Ziy9xd
Get your rakes at the ready and plant pots prepared

Previous York Housing customers will be familiar with our annual 'YHA in Bloom' awards and this year we are delighted to open it up to all 54North Homes customers. No matter how big your garden, or even if you've no garden at all, there is a category for everyone from pots and hanging baskets to shared community gardens and vegetable plots.
Chosen by our residents, the categories celebrate the work and creativity of everyone who livens up their own outdoor space or tends to a space they share.

How to find out more and take part
Simply email either info@yorkha.org.uk or info@lyha.co.uk or ask your Housing Officer or Support Worker to put your name forward.
You will need to send us a photo of your garden in its prime but there's plenty of time for everything to come into bloom. The closing date for entries is 31 July and judging will take place during the first week in August.
And finally…..

On the subject of gardens, it’s great to see signs of spring starting to appear around the gardens and estates. Hopefully, we can all look forward to some slightly warmer weather and lighter nights over the coming weeks.
54North Homes | York 01904 636061 | Leeds 0113 2783335