June 7, 2019
55 Medical Facilities Crippled After Bombings in Syria
Dallas, Texas- The entire medical system of Northern Hama and Southern Idlib, Syria, is in a state of emergency, with 55 medical facilities shut down after a month of continuous bombing. Since April 28, 25 medical facilities have been bombed, with some hospitals hit by airstrikes on multiple days. 

With the majority of medical facilities shut down, hundreds of thousands of civilians and IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) are left without any access to medical care.
In a region of Southern Idlib, only one hospital is left serving a population of over 500,000. The use of phosphorous (incendiary weapons) and barrel bombs in addition to airstrikes has created an apocalyptic landscape for civilians. 

UOSSM staff on the ground in conjunction with local health directorates report 347 civilians have been killed (including at least 75 children), over 1,000 have been injured and 400,000 IDPs displaced by bombardment on civilian areas.

Dr. Khaula Sawah, Vice President of UOSSM USA said, “The situation in Idlib is devastating, we have seen horrific pictures of children killed in unimaginable ways. One picture that will forever be ingrained in my mind is that of a child’s remains that were put in a box because his body was blown apart, all while it was supposed to be a time of celebration for Syrians. Children deserve better than this. I implore the international community to take a stand and do what’s right. Stop the carnage… stop the bloodshed…. stop the attacks on innocent civilians and stop the attacks on medical facilities. I fear what will happen if these crimes are allowed to continue by this cruel world. I would love to know: where is humanity?”
For Media Inquiries Please Contact:

Najah Allouch:
UOSSM USA Communications and Media Director
Since 2012, UOSSM has been providing emergency medical relief and healthcare services to the Syrian people affected by the crisis, working primarily inside Syria and with Syrian refugees in Turkey.
  • In 2018, UOSSM supported 14 primary health care centers and 13 mobile clinics
  • UOSSM Bab Al Hawa Hospital provided health care services to almost 1 million patients since establishment
  • In 2018, over 162,000 beneficiaries were provided with nutrition services focused on pregnant and nursing women, and children under the age of 5
  • UOSSM Mental Health and Psychosocial Support services provided care to 110,096 beneficiaries in 2018
Media Contact:

Name: Najah Allouch 
Title: Communications and Media Director
Email Address: [email protected]