2nd Grade Newsletter December 2024 Recap | Kislev 5785

What is in this newsletter?

What did the students learn: Content and values from this month's curriculum

What did students do: Crafts, games, songs and other classroom experiences

Hebrew corner: A recap of Letter of the Week and Hebrew Through Movement

Music corner: A taste of the great music experience students get every session

The family table: Questions and conversation starters for the family Shabbat, holiday, or weekday dinner table about the 2nd grade curriculum

Coming Attractions: What you can expect from the next month at the JLL

Second graders working on the Chanukah puppet play

Second graders using art to show the middah (value) of moderation/balance

What did the students learn?

Our students have been very busy this past month delving into the middot, Jewish values, of moderation/balance and courage. They discussed when too much of a good thing can be a problem; too much candy, rain and exercise etc. The students came up with many great examples of this idea as well. They heard the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors and the lesson learned was not to be too boastful and see what others have to offer.

Students learned the Hebrew words for hero (gibor/gibora) and strength (gevurah) in connection to the middah of courage. The students wrote and illustrated a time during the week when they had the courage to try something new or help someone else to be courageous.

They also connected the value of courage to the Maccabees, and the story of Chanukah, while learning about the history and rituals of Chanukah.

What did the students do?

Our second graders engaged in so many different activities the past few months directly connected to the middot of moderation/balance and courage.

They created their own colorful canvases in connection to the Joseph lesson. The students put their artwork together to create different balanced pieces of art.

The students also experienced ways to balance their own bodies while walking on a balance beam and holding different weighted objects.

When they learned about courage, the students first shared what being a hero means to them and then played a game of charades using occupations that require courage or bravery.

The students engaged in trust walks, where they needed to have courage to be the leader and courage to be lead by others.

A trust walk has two students, one wearing a blindfold being led by the other student. The sighted student gives directions to the blindfolded student to walk around an obstacle course.

Lastly, the second graders spent many weeks working with Jenn Levine to create puppets for the show that they put on for all the K-5th Graders (plus you, their parents!) on Sunday, December 15th!

Hebrew Corner

Create a Light on the Hebrew Letters
During T'filah with Rabbi Citrin, the talmidim (students) are introduced to the "Letter of the Week".
lulav palm branch
labruit bless you!
l'chayim to life!
kol ha'kavod great job
kippa head covering
kitah classroom
katan small
blessing over wine
kehilah kedosha holy community
hakhnasat orchim
welcoming guests
hakol b'seder
all is goodinto order!
blessing over bread
ometz lev
Aron HaKodesh
Holy Ark
g'milut chasadim
acts of loving kindness
nisiyah tovah
have a good trip

Second graders lasim yadiem al rosh

Hebrew Through Movement with the Second Graders
In Hebrew Through Movement (HTM) this month, the classes reviewed a variety of words and commands as well as words connected to the body and actions.
Some of the words are:
step/steps tza-ad 
 giving a "high five" keef
Second graders were able to count up to ten, counting on their fingers and wiggling their fingers. They also counted numbers of steps, taking small steps and large steps.
They reviewed many action words, moving around the space, walking quickly, running slowly, jumping, touching a door, pointing to their heads, raising hands and legs, etc.
The students have been enjoying HTM each week and impress us with what they retain! We are excited to continue building their vocabulary and their foundation of aural language experience!
The Family Table
The students have really enjoyed our discussions about middot (Jewish values). Here are some questions and conversation starters that you can discuss with your learner:
  • How do you find balance in your own life?
  • When did you have to be courageous?
  • What values does your family feel are important to them?
  • How did the Maccabees show courage?

Music Corner

The second graders have really enjoyed their time with Phillip Fisherman, our cantorial intern.

Each week, he engages the children with many different songs and melodies.

The past few weeks, the children have been learning some of the prayers we say during T'filah and many wonderful Chanukah songs!

Coming Attractions

When we return from the winter break, the children will begin an exploration of the customs of Tu'Bishvat, the birthday of the trees. We will continue with the middot, Jewish values, and we will delve into the middah of justice.

Please check your child's Remini after class each week. You will find a summary of the day's activities as well as pictures of the class!

If you have any questions or need any information, please contact Ivy Schwartz at: Ivy.schwartz@wrtemple.org, 914-723-5224 office ext 8521

WRT Stands with Israel

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