5th Grade Newsletter, December 2024 Recap | Kislev 5785

What is in this newsletter?

What did the students learn: Content and values from this month's curriculum

What did students do: Crafts, games, songs and other classroom experiences

Lifecycles Corner: A recap of lifecycles learned

Israel Corner: A recap of what students learned about Israel

Parshat HaShavua: A recap of what students learned in the Torah portion of the week

Parashat HaShavua

In parashat hashavua (Torah portion of the week) with Micah, students learned Noach, Lech L'cha, Vayera, Chayei Sarah and Toldot. These parshiot include stories about the Tower of Babel, Abram & Lot, Sodom and Gamorrah, and the life of Sarah.

The pictures above and below show students building a tower out of cards without speaking to each other.

Students listening to Uri Feinberg


One highlight of learning about Israel was our special guest, Uri Feinberg. Uri is an Israeli educator and tour guide who has guided many of the WRT trips over the years.

With our fabulous Shinshinit, Anita, students learned about Yitzhak Rabin, David Ben Gurion, and differences in the election process in Israel as compared to the US.

Each class was divided into two and they had to think about a campaign they would try and get people to support. See the photo below as they made campaign posters.

Life Cycles

In life cycles, we wrapped up the birth unit and moved on to b'nei mitzvah.


Students analyzed the definition of B'nei Mitzvah. They then adjusted the definition based on their knowledge and the reading they did about the history of bar and bat mitzvah. They explored four elements of the way b'nei mitzvah is celebrated at WRT. Students also learned about the first Bat Mitzvah of Judith Kaplan. It looked a little different than what we think of today and they also learned that doing something first is often difficult.


Over the course of this year, all our 5th grade students will begin their chevruta (1:1 Hebrew) lessons. Some are well on their way, some have started in the last two months, and others will start at the beginning of 2025.

On Sundays, the last part of our day is spent in groups based on when students start chevruta lessons. Some groups use this time to review letters in accordance with the Letter of the Week. Some groups use this time to learn some Modern Hebrew conversation. All groups engage in some kind of Hebrew learning to maintain skills, exposure and excitement about the Hebrew language.

Micah Glickman - micah.glickman@wrtemple.org

WRT Stands with Israel

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