JLL Kindergarten and 1st Grade Newsletter December 2024 Recap| Kislev 5785

What is in this newsletter?

What did the students learn: Content and values from this month's curriculum

What did students do: Crafts, games, songs and other classroom experiences

Hebrew corner: A recap of Letter of the Week and Hebrew Through Movement

Music corner: A taste of the great music experience students get every session

The family table: Questions and conversation starters for the family Shabbat, holiday, or weekday dinner table about the K-1 grade curriculum

Coming Attractions: What you can expect from the next month at the JLL

A first grade student's completed Shabbat box

Shabbat boxes that were created by the first graders

What did the students learn?

The past few weeks, our kindergarten and first grade students engaged in discussions about Shabbat and Havdalah!

They started off with a deep dive into the meaning of Shabbat, the rituals and discussed that Shabbat is the only holiday we celebrate each week! The classes learned the Shabbat blessings and recited them each week as they got ready to work on their Shabbat boxes. The children also learned about how Shabbat ends, in a ceremony called Havdalah, the separation of the holiness of Shabbat and the ordinariness of the rest of the week. They learned the words kodesh (holy) and chol (ordinary).

The first graders practiced leading Sh'ma for Lab Shabbat that took place on Friday, December 6th. We hope you enjoyed attending!

The children learned about the history of Chanukah and why we light the Chanukiah each night for eight nights. They learned the Hebrew words for miracle (nes) and light/candle (ner).

They continued to learn about Israel and connected holiday celebrations of Shabbat and Chanukah both here in and in Israel.

Kindergartener drawing a menorah

What did the students do?

Our kindergarten and first grade students made their own Shabbat boxes! They started off by decorating a plain white box, and each week, they added ritual items they made.

They used fabric markers to create beautiful Challah covers and they colored candlesticks and decorated kiddish cups using sparkly gemstones! The children braided and twisted colorful pipe cleaners to create their own Havdalah candle and filled mesh bags with spices (besamin) to be prepared to celebrate Havdalah!

The children glued Shabbat/Havdalah prayers into their Shabbat boxes, added a recipe for making challah, added white candles for Shabbat, and added a signed, special note to their parents to complete their Shabbat box. We hope you will use your child's Shabbat box to celebrate Shabbat at home and send us pictures!

The classes explored the meaning of "being a light for the world" in connection to Chanukah and shared their answers to how they can help the world. They played Chanukah bingo and spun dreidels!

First graders working on their Shabbat boxes

Hebrew Corner

Light on the Hebrew Letters
During T'filah with Rabbi Citrin, the talmidim (students) are introduced to the "Letter of the Week".
lulav palm
labruit Bless you!
l'chayim To life/Cheers!
kol ha'kavod great job!
kippa head covering
kitah classroom
katan small
kiddush blessing over wine
kehilah kedosha holy community
hakhnasat orchim
welcoming guests
hakol 'seder
all is okay/all is in order!
blessing over bread
ometz lev
Aron HaKodesh
Holy Ark
g'milut chasadim
acts of loving kindness
nisiyah tovah
have a good trip

Kindergartners l'goa al behten

Hebrew Through Movement with the Kindergartners and First Graders
In Hebrew Through Movement (HTM) this month the classes learned a variety of words and commands as well words connected to Chanukah. Some of the words are:
Lakachat to give
Latait to take
L'histovev to spin
L'ga'at to touch
L'haztbiah to point
Behten belly
Rehgel leg
Laseem to put or place
The students have been enjoying HTM each week and impress us with what they retain! We are excited to continue building their vocabulary and their foundation of aural language experience!

K-1st graders created this heart mural

The Family Table
Here are some questions and conversation starters that you can discuss with your learner:
  • Why do you think Shabbat is celebrated every week?
  • Can you put the Friday night Shabbat blessings in order?
  • How many candles do we light on the 4th night of Chanukah?
  • Which do you like better, jelly donuts or latkes?

Music Corner

The kindergarteners and first graders have really enjoyed their time with Phillip Fisherman, our cantorial intern. Each week he engages the children with many different songs and melodies.

The past few weeks, the children have been learning some of the prayers we say during T'filah and many wonderful Chanukah songs!

Coming Attractions

Next month after we return from the winter break, the children will begin a deep dive into the rituals and customs of Tu'bishvat which is the birthday of the trees! We will continue to learn about Israel and connect holiday celebrations both here in and in Israel. They will also revisit the middah, value of doing Tzedakah. As of now, the classes have collected over $200!

Please check your child's Remini after class each week. You will find a summary of the day's activities as well as pictures of the class!

If you have any questions or need any information, please contact Ivy Schwartz at:, 914-723-5224 office ext 8521

WRT Stands with Israel

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