JLL Kindergarten and 1st Grade Newsletter October 2024 | Tishrei 5785

What is in this newsletter?

What did the students learn: Content and values from this month's curriculum

What did students do: Crafts, games, songs and other classroom experiences

Hebrew corner: A recap of Letter of the Week and Hebrew Through Movement

Music corner: A taste of the great music experience students get every session

The family table: Questions and conversation starters for the family Shabbat, holiday, or weekday dinner table about the K-1 grade curriculum

Coming Attractions: What you can expect from the next month at the JLL

Kindergartners enjoying their snack outside

First graders making cards for the New Year

What did the students learn?

Our students engaged in many discussions about the importance of the High Holidays and their connection to Israel. Each week the classes begin with Kehillah, building our community. The children greet each other and then share their answer to a theme connected question.

The main focus of the year so far has been Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. The children learned how these holidays are celebrated here in our country as well as in Israel. The children added how their families celebrate the holidays and what is their favorite part of each of the High Holidays.

What did the students do?

Our Kindergarteners and First Graders were so busy this past month getting to know each other and building their own Kehillah (community).

After a brief lesson on Tzedakah, each class decorated a box and turned it into their class tzedakah box. Each week, the children have a chance to share a mitzvah, commandment/good deed, they did during the week and then add their coins to the box. At the end of the year, the classes will decide where to donate their money.

The children learned about the rituals and customs of the High Holidays and each week, they did a hands on activity to reinforce the lessons they learned during their classroom learning time.

Their mornings are filled with music, Hebrew Through Movement, T'filah and snack time! The students are enjoying a quick nosh and time to connect with all their friends.

The classes visited the sukkah and shook the lulav and the etrog.

All the classes attended the Billy Jonas concert to round out a great month!

Hebrew Corner

Light on the Hebrew Letters
During T'filah with Rabbi Citrin, the talmidim (students) are introduced to the "Letter of the Week".
Shanah Tovah Happy New Year
Shalom hello, goodbye and peace
Shofar ram's horn
Brit agreement/ covenant
Bimah the raised part of the sanctuary
B'vakasha please and you're welcome
T'filah prayer
Todah thank you
Tapuach apple
Machzor High Holiday prayerbook
Mitzvah commandment
Middot values
Siddur prayerbook
Sukkot Holiday of Booths
Slicha sorry/ excuse me

Kindergartners L'lechet (walk) with Morah Nancy

Hebrew Through Movement with the Kindergartners and First Graders
In Hebrew Through Movement (HTM) this month, the classes learned a variety of words and commands as well words connected to the High Holidays. Some of the words are:
Lakoom stand
Lashevet sit
Lalechet walk
Larutz run
L'aht slow
Maheir fast
Rosh head
Shanah year
The students have been enjoying HTM each week and impress us with what they retain! We are excited to continue building their vocabulary and their foundation of aural language experience!

Kindergartners in Hebrew Through Movement with Morah Ivy

The Family Table
The students have really enjoyed our discussions about the rituals of the High Holidays. Here are some questions and conversation starters that you can discuss with your learner:
  • What are the 4 notes that the Shofar blows?

  • What does the word Rosh mean?

  • What is a sukkah and what do you do in it?

  • Who would you invite into your sukkah?

  • How do you say I am sorry?

Music Corner

The Kindergarteners and First Graders have really enjoyed their time with Phillip Fisherman, our cantorial intern. Each week he engages the children with many different songs and melodies.

We used our voices to create the 4 notes of the Shofar and learned that a nigun has no words. It is a melody that repeats itself over and over again.

Coming Attractions

Next month, the children will begin a deep dive into the rituals and customs of Shabbat. Each child will make their own Shabbat box and fill it with everything they need to celebrate Shabbat at home. We will continue to learn about Israel and connect holiday celebrations both here in and in Israel.

Please check your child's Remini after class each week. You will find a summary of the day's activities as well as pictures of the class!

If you have any questions or need any information, please contact Ivy Schwartz at:

914-723-5224 office ext 8521

WRT Stands with Israel

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