Our Kindergartners and First Graders were so busy the last two classes getting to know each other and building their own Kehillah (community). After a brief lesson on Tzedakah, each class decorated a box and turned it into their class tzedakah box. Each class, the children have a chance to share a mitzvah, good deed, they did and then add their coins to the box. At the end of the year, the classes will decide where to donate the money.
The children learned about the rituals and customs of the High Holidays and they did a hands on activity to reinforce the lessons they learned during their classroom learning time.
Their morning is filled with music, Hebrew Through Movement, T'filiah and for the first time, snack time! The students are enjoying a quick nosh and time to connect with all their friends.
The classes visited the sukkah and shook the lulav and the etrog. All the classes attended the Billy Jonas concert to round out a great beginning of the year!