WRTeen (8th-12th) Newsletter, December 2024 Recap | Kislev 5785

What's in this newsletter?

  • The Table: Get a taste of what we've been chatting about recently
  • Madrichim Corner: A word from our Madrichim Coordinator, Ryan
  • Teen Mitzvah Corps: Welcome to WRTeen's newest program
  • Upcoming Events and Programs: Information about what's to come for WRTeens

The Table

Get a taste of what we've been chatting about recently!

On to the next course! Both of our cohorts have met at least three times since our last newsletter, with each having the opportunity to ask our shinshinit, Anita, questions about Israel. We've continued our discussions with a Jewish lens while noshing on pizza, falafel, and even an etrog!

In October, 8th and 9th graders examined the political history of Judaism, specifically pertaining to Jewish views on elections. As the students learned, the separation of church and state was a Jewish value long before the first amendment was ratified. Similar ideas can even be seen in the Torah as we are taught not to oppress a stranger, for we were once oppressed in Egypt.

Rabbi Blake led our 11th and 12th graders in discussion about a different topic pertaining to Israel in each of the sessions. When we met in November, Rabbi Blake had just returned from his trip to Israel so we spoke about the sites he visited and people he had the opportunity to speak to. The teens were then given the opportunity to ask their own questions about his experience and what Israeli life was like "up close" in a post October 7th world.

Madrichim Corner

A word from our Madrichim Coordinator, Ryan!

If you received my updates last year, you may recall that I quickly ran out of words to describe how amazing the madrichim are— and this year is certainly no different! What strikes me about what I've witnessed since the last newsletter is how excited the students appear to be when seeing their madrichim. It is abundantly clear to everyone involved how much the students adore them and I am proud of them for being the role models that they are!

Outside of the classroom, we held our third and fourth Monthly Madrichim Meetings. In the past two meetings we have focused on any dilemmas they have faced in the classroom and how to deal with them. Madrichim were given the opportunity to share situations that have come up with students. Afterwards, they received praises, feedback, and constructive criticism from their peers in how they approached them. We concluded our last meeting with an edible dreidel competition where teams had to create a display that embodied the value of leadership!

If your teen is interested in joining Team Madrichim, applications are accepted year-round so please do not hesitate to email me at ryan.murace@wrtemple.org!

Teen Mitzvah Corps

Welcome to WRTeen's newest program!


Teen Mitzvah Corps has already been hard at work! During their November 19 meeting, they signed up to help with a variety of upcoming WRT events, including WRT Delivers Thanksgiving on November 25. They also discussed the possibility of holding their own bake sale to raise money for a cause related to Israel after the new year!

Curious what they have in store? Be sure to follow them on Instagram by clicking the icon to the left!

Looking Ahead

"Jew" York City

Our next JYC event is a trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Holocaust Memorial on January 26! Registration information has been shared with families so please be in touch with Ryan if you did not receive it!

Calendar Notes

Please note that there will be no in person JLL on the following dates:

  • January 18 through January 20 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)


Upcoming Classes:

  • January 8
  • January 26

Monthly Madrichim Meetings

Upcoming Meetings:

  • January 29 (Location TBD)

The Table

Upcoming Sessions:

  • January 8
  • January 22 (11th/12th only)

We hope you had a safe, happy, and healthy Chanukah and New Year and look forward to welcoming you back to the JLL in 2025!

The JLL Parent Portal contains 8th-12th Grade program details.

Ryan Murace, 914-723-5226 ext 8524

WRT Stands with Israel