WRTeen (8th-12th) Newsletter, October 2024 | Tishrei 5785

What's in this newsletter?

  • The Table: Get a taste of what we've been chatting about recently
  • Confirmation: A word from Rabbi Platcow
  • Madrichim Corner: A word from our Madrichim Coordinator, Ryan
  • Teen Mitzvah Corps: Welcome to WRTeen's newest program
  • Upcoming Events and Programs: Information about what's to come for WRTeens

The Table

The Table has been set for another great year! On September 11, we welcomed all of our teens for our opening night and treated them to a tasty Chipotle dinner accompanied by blue and white cookies from Seasons to mark the special occasion.

Our 8th and 9th graders spent the evening with Cantor Kleinman and answered several prompts regarding their experiences in the previous year. Teens were tasked with reflecting on topics ranging from “Something that I want to hold on to” to “Something that made me worried” and wrote their answers on sticky notes.

At the end of the night, the students removed their sticky notes which included topics that they did not want to see in the 5785 year and threw them in the trash to symbolize tashlich.

Our 11th and 12th graders have met twice so far. On opening night, Rabbi Blake invited the teens to share their aspirations for their time together this year and the consensus was that they wanted to learn more about Israel.

During the September 25 meeting, the students discussed the morality and ethics of Israel’s recent targeted pager operation against Hezbollah. The students also learned about the Israel-Lebanon side of the conflict and were eager to ask questions. With the questions and thoughts they had, it's easy to see that we have a very insightful year ahead of us!


A word from Rabbi Platcow!

Confirmation is different this year. Meeting throughout the synagogue, including on the steps of our Bimah, we have heard the words of inspiring, although not always well-known, Jewish leaders throughout time including Ruth Messinger, George Michael, and Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer. We have explored the traditions from which these figures drew courage to use their voices. Together we have begun to understand not only what lights the fire in our stomachs, but what our tradition has to say about standing up for ourselves, our community and the other. In the coming months we will continue our studies on this topic, Judaism and end of life, verses of our sanctuary, and more. 

Madrichim Corner

A word from our Madrichim Coordinator, Ryan!

This year we have welcomed five new madrichim to the program for a total of twenty-four hardworking teens. Six of them aren’t even in high school yet, including a pair of 7th graders who have chosen to join the team as their Lo Ta’amod project. Every week multiple teachers have told me how impressed they are with the madrichim. They are really doing great work!

Outside of the classroom, we have already held two of our seven scheduled Monthly Madrichim Meetings! Over the course of the two meetings we have connected as a group, played some back pocket games that are transferable to the classroom, and workshopped any challenges the team may have come across.

If your teen is interested in joining Team Madrichim, applications are accepted year-round so please do not hesitate to email me at ryan.murace@wrtemple.org!

Teen Mitzvah Corps

Welcome to WRTeen's newest program!


On September 17, Teen Mitzvah Corps held its inaugural meeting lead by several of our teen leaders. The teens discussed what projects they would like to take on and what organizations they would like to help. They also agreed that their first batch of projects will be centered around helping Israel.

Curious what they have in store? Be sure to follow them on Instagram by clicking the icon to the left!

Looking Ahead

"Jew" York City

Our next JYC event is a Midnight Run! The run will take place on Saturday, December 14, and spots are limited. Information regarding the run itself, as well as additional ways to get involved (including donating) will continue to be shared in the coming weeks!

8th Grade Civil Rights Trip

Information regarding trip registration has been sent out to families enrolled in JLL. If you are an 8th grade family not enrolled in JLL, information will be shared with you in the coming weeks.


Upcoming Classes:

  • October 27
  • November 6

Monthly Madrichim Meetings

Upcoming Meetings:

  • November 13 (In Person)

The Table

Upcoming Sessions:

  • October 30
  • November 20

The JLL Parent Portal contains 8th-12th Grade program details.

Ryan Murace, 914-723-5226 ext 8524

WRT Stands with Israel