57th True God's Day Observance

"Don't worry about me. I will be victorious over Satan!"

And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30

You must understand what hell is. Hell is the place where vertical true love and horizontal true love cannot be found anywhere. There is no trace of it... The most hellish place on earth is where no trace of vertical and horizontal true love can be found. 

Unless your family relationships are heavenly, how can you imagine that you will end up in heaven in spirit world? When you enter your home, think to yourself, I am now walking into the Kingdom of Heaven." When you leave home and go out into the world, consider that you are going to expand the purpose of heaven. If you live every day like that, how can you possibly fall into hell? Heaven is determined by how you live. You don't need any special procedures or applications in order to enter heaven. You will find yourself in the same place as you were on earth. If you were in heaven on earth, you will be elevated into heaven in spirit world. But if you were in hell on earth, that is where you will go. SMM, Wake Up, America! June 12, 1988

Hello Richard,

The motto for this 15th year of Cheon Il Guk (Heavenly Nation) written by Hyung Jin Nim after the midnight prayer is “Cosmic Peace and Unification Cheon Il Guk Victory!

He started the Sunday sermon by explaining that when True Father was in prison, he told God, “don’t worry about me at all. I will be victorious over Satan!” He underwent three imprisonments in Japan, two in Korea and one in the U.S.

The torturer was sent by Satan to destroy him or force him to throw away his mission of the Messiah. He was declared dead 3 times, but he revived each time and then prayed for his torturer, who finally repented.

Sanctuary Service 2/11/2024

He praised the many entries in the art contest and spoke about the first prize entry, “3 Stages of the Passion of Sun Myung Moon” by Chung-jin Park (see below) which looks like a glass window showing Father inside three hearts, one where he is being beaten by his torturer, another where he is lying dead on the ground, and the one in the center where he is raising his arm up to heaven while the torturer is bent down in repentance and shedding tears. A tear gathers from the central heart filling up the ocean of tears below. The three hearts send out plumes of fire and smoke to heaven above.

Hyung Jin Nim warned us not to confuse such images with the person of God. That would be idolatry. When Christ comes, He will be as God on earth. Every generation will be able to train and interact with Father’s anointed lineage and resident body. 

All the male Jews were ordered to gather at the Temple three times each year for the pilgrim festivals of Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. Faith was never meant to be exercised by individuals only. There has to be a community, and the center of the anointed lineage, which leads and disperses Father’s culture.

The Bible talks clearly about a literal Kingdom established on earth. We don’t bend God to us. It is about the Father-Son relationship. The male sons have to take on the enemies of the Father. If not, it becomes a different civilization.

Cultural Marxists portray Lucifer as a liberator who wanted freedom and pleasure for mankind. But then you become your own god. In contrast, in God’s kingdom, each man must be ready to die to protect his family.

57th True God's Day Observance

In the satanic world children are portrayed as a burden. Jordan Peterson explains that if you take on hedonic desires, relationships will suffer and collapse. Pleasure is not what holds civilization together, it is the sacrificial love of Christ that is our model and ideal.

God loves everyone, but hates sin. If you love marriage, you have to hate adultery. Atheists criticize Christians, who assert that the biblical condemnations of homosexual conduct are still valid, but do not follow all of the laws in the Old Testament. But there are three types of law in the Hebrew Bible: ceremonial law, dietary law and moral law. The Temple no longer exists and has been replaced by Christ as the living Temple so the ceremonial law is no longer relevant. The New Testament also instructs Christians that they are freed from following the Jewish dietary laws, but God’s moral laws still hold- ie. we can’t murder or steal.

We are called the Genesis church because we want to look at God’s original blueprint. Sinning is “missing the mark,” hurting God’s heart.

2.11.2024 Book of Life Registration Blessing

Communism and fascism are both forms of socialism that impose centralized government control over the population, which is political satanism. They always want to take away citizens’ ownership of firearms. That is why Hyung Jin Nim wears the bullet crown, which shows that as kings and queens in God’s Kingdom, we have the right and responsibility for self-defense.

True Father’s Kingship line did not start by killing opponents. It didn’t win by winning wars. It began with the person of Christ. In the Cheon Il Guk Constitution the King does not have military power. He has judicial authority in order to protect the constitution.

He was accused of wanting to execute gays. No, not at all, but those who sex-traffick and abuse children will be punished. It is his responsibility to teach what the Bible teaches, not what our culture considers to be popular.

Boys and girls need their fathers in the home. Boys especially. 81% of violent crimes are committed by men. Boys need a male role model to show them how to direct and use aggression in a responsible way. Teach self-defense so that you know how to defend yourself and others. The Peace Militia teaches not only self-defense techniques, but most important the character needed to lead in the Kingdom.

True God's Day Entertainment & Testimony by Jerry Heying

Government centralized schools no longer focus on teaching math, reading and history. Mao’s version of Cultural Marxism divided the people into “land-owner vs peasant,” “traditionalist vs revolutionary” groups. When they gave you a black card it meant you were in the “enemy of the people” group, leading to you being “blacklisted.” If you received a red card, it meant that you were a loyal supporter of the revolution and would be promoted.

In America, the ”red card” has morphed into the rainbow card. If you refuse to collaborate with the rainbow agenda, you will be censored and blacklisted, with governmental power used to force you to comply. Even to quote from the Bible is considered “hate speech” and in some countries put you in prison.  

The government’s “Covid cult” imposed vaccine jabs on hundreds of millions, many of whom suffered from adverse effects and even death. Anthony Faucci is now admitting that the rules about distancing and masks were not based on science. In the Cheon II Guk kingdom there is no centralized government education, health or welfare.

94% of mass shootings are in gun-free zones. The Nashville shooter chose a Christian school that had a gun-free zone policy. The Maine shooter chose a bowling alley that also had a gun-free zone policy. Christianity does not use force to impose beliefs. In contrast, Islam was spread by the sword.

All are one in Christ Jesus, which is why Christian nations were the first to ban slavery. The scripture did not support slavery or kidnapping. Slaves referred to in the Bible were often indentured servants, with rules about their treatment and release in the 7th year.  

29 million killed by organized crime in last century, but 220 million were killed by their own governments. Which is the greater threat? That is why you are safer with an armed society.

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The Bible says that lineage is most important, bringing blessings and true wealth. God originally wanted a joyful, powerful husband wife relationship.

Satan always uses sexual immorality for social control. Pursuing hedonic pleasure leads you to become more numb. We need purpose, which comes from God. Give your youth to your children. Nothing more important than that. Don’t be a DINK (double income no kids). Government incentivizes no daddies in the home, so the next generation of males are struggling. Men need to come back to Christ and to weaken the State.

He praised Shin-Joon nim’s video series, the best our movement has put out.

Jesus was outspoken in criticizing the elite misuse of power. We should do the same.


Miho Panzer’s 2024 True God’s Day Testimony

As we waited with the 2nd King to start the midnight prayer for True God’s Day I was thinking that True Father never slept before midnight. He said that he wanted to pray at that time to dedicate the first minutes of the new day to God and for His guidance and blessing for brothers and sisters around the world.

Hyung Jin Nim’s prayer was deep, asking God to save America and the world, just as Father did forty years ago. As Hyung Jin Nim wrote this year’s motto with Chinese calligraphy, it reminded me about Father showing him how to use the large paint brush in a dynamic way.

The Sanctuary Academy members and other community volunteers worked hard to make the offering table, which had a tower of Tongil marks at the center. I shared about Father’s life since many of them had not met him even once. We prepared Father’s favorite foods including Korean pears, pine nuts, dates, and honeydew melons.

On Sunday at the lunch after the Blessing ceremony, Hyung Jin Nim spoke to the new blessing couples for more than an hour. He and Yeonah Nim shared their testimonies about how to make a good marital and parent-child relationship.

That night he took many of the offering table volunteers out to dinner and continued to pour out his heart. He is truly amazing in the way he never ceases to guide brothers and sisters, just like Father!

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Dear Father Music Video

Grand Sanctuary Meeting

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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