The Ox Ridge 5th Grade Class is partnering with Darien Human Services (DHS) to fill their Household Supply Closet for the holidays! Our 5th grade students have learned about DHS and are creating posters, making school announcements and organizing a collection of goods to help lead their school in giving back to our community. 

  • When: Next Week Mon-Mon, December 14-21
  • Where: Send in with your student to school, there will be collection bins at dropoff and throughout the school building
  • What: Toothpaste, Soap, Shampoo, Sponges, Cleaning products, Paper towels... (full list in attached flyer)

By Avery Coppola and Chloe Sherman, 5-W

Hello Ox Ridge Parents! Recently, you have heard about Darien Human Services (DHS) and how Ox Ridge families are trying to help our fellow Darien neighbors. When people think of Darien citizens, we usually think of happy people whose lives are perfectly fine and they have no troubles -- but that is not always the case. 

There are so many people who are missing basic essential household items and have many needs during this tough time. People are losing their jobs, and with that their salaries, which makes them unable to buy small things, such as the ones you’ve read about before: toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper, etc. 

These people have to debate whether or not to buy paper towels or toilet paper. Imagine if you had to go through that same problem. To help out, just donate. Trust me, you’ll feel good afterwards!

Thank you in advance!
Ox Ridge Fifth Graders

Go Go Go DHS!
By Van Osberg, 5-W
As you may know, this year the Ox Ridge Community is helping Darien Human Services. Darien Human Services is a much needed program for seniors and people in need, right here in Darien. 
This year, from Monday, December 14th to Monday, December 21st, we want you to bring home goods, such as laundry supplies, personal hygiene etc. If you can bring any of these items, it would really make a difference. Reminder: bring items packaged. 
We hope to deliver these items by Monday, December 21st. If you are leaving early for December break, start helping early!

If you would like to learn more about Darien Human Services please visit:

 Tory Bolton - Sept, Dec, Mar, June
 Sara Osberg - Oct, Jan, Apr
 Marisa Chadda - Nov, Feb, May

The Ox Ridge Hoot is emailed every Sunday during the school year. The deadline for submission is Thursday at noon. Please send your submission to with the text of your e-mail, single spaced and left adjusted (NO FORMATTING!), with "Ox Ridge Hoot Submission" in the subject line. 

"Community News" information/events will run for a maximum of two consecutive Hoot editions. Please time your submissions accordingly. 


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