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What's Happening & What's Next
February 17, 2019
Call for Papers and Presenters:
5th International Medical Congress of Armenia
5th IMCA logo
Come support your Armenian colleagues and attend the 5 th International Medical Congress of Armenia in Yerevan, from July 4 – 6, 2019.

The Primary Care forum (general practitioners, child health, prevention, immunization and child health protection) is inviting those interested to present or submit a paper or abstract. 

The Pan-Armenian Hematology forum is inviting those interested to participate either as a speaker or attendee, and to network with your Armenian colleagues. The conference will take place on July 3, 2019.   

For more information contact:

Dr. Seda Boghossian for the Primary Care forum
Dr. Yervand Hakobyan for the Hematology forum
Dr. Debra Ferman  AAHPO member
AAHPO Member Alert:
March 10 Annual Meeting with Board Elections
AAHPO will be holding its Annual General Assembly on Sunday, March 10 at 6:00 pm at Rose’s of Englewood, NJ located at 126 Engle Street, Englewood, NJ 0731 (201-541-0020).

As members of AAHPO, your presence is very much appreciated and needed. At this time, we will be choosing a new Board of Directors for 2019-2020 and will discuss issues relevant to our organization.

If any member is interested in becoming a candidate to the AAHPO Board of Directors, kindly contact the following Nominating Committee members: Dr. Garbis Baydar (201) 262-3018 or Dr. Arthur Kubikian (516) 527-7397 before March 1 . To be eligible as candidate, one must have been a dues paying member for the previous year.

Spouses & Guests are welcome to enjoy the fellowship.

Dinner will be served:
$55/person for AAHPO Members, Spouses and Their Guests
$60/person for Non-Members
Kindly RSVP by March 7. For Information & Reservations Please Contact:
Garbis Baydar, MD                      201.262.3018
Arthur Kubikian, DDS                   516.527.7397
AAHPO                                        908.914.5549
Food Safety and Dining Out
Dining out
Going out to eat? When choosing a restaurant, look for one that keeps food safety on the menu. Here are tips from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to help you stay healthy while dining out.

  • Check inspection scores. Check a restaurant’s score at your health department's website, ask the health department for a copy of the report, or look for it when you get to the restaurant.
  • Look for certificates that show kitchen managers have completed food safety training. Proper food safety training can help improve practices that reduce the chance of spreading foodborne germs and illnesses.
  • Look for safe food-handling practices. 
  • Sick food workers can spread their illness to customers. Most kitchens are out of the customer’s sight, but if you can see food being prepared, check to make sure workers are using gloves or utensils to handle foods that will not be cooked further, such as deli meats and salad greens.
  • Order food that’s properly cooked. Certain foods, including meat, poultry, and fish, need to be cooked to a temperature high enough to kill harmful germs that may be present. If you’re served undercooked meat, poultry, seafood, or eggs, send them back to be cooked until they are safe to eat.

Save the Date! October 19, 2019
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Please save the date of Saturday, Oct. 19 for AAHPO's Gala Banquet to celebrate our 25th Anniversary! More details to come about this "can't miss" event!
Our Board & Our Mission
Lawrence V. Najarian, MD, President
Ted Chaglassian, MD, Past President
Arthur Kubikian, DDS,Vice President
Knarig Khatchadurian, PhD,Corresponding Secretary
Tsoline Kojaoghlanian, MD, Recording Secretary
Garbis Baydar, MD, Treasurer
Louiza Puskulian-Kubikian, DDS, Membership Committee
ɫ Khoren Nalbandian, RPh,   Parliamentarian
Terenig Terjanian, MD, Raffy Hovanessian, MD, Kim Hekimian, PhD, Aram Cazazian, DDS, Lynn Cetin, MD, Lena Merjanian, MD, Joyce Kurdian, DMD, Gregory Kazandjian, DDS,
Lucy Tovmasian, MD, Vahe Tateosian, MD, John Bilezikian, MD

AAHPO's mission is to improve health care awareness, increase disease prevention and early detection, foster fellowship and career development of Armenian health care professionals, and provide medical support and education to both our local communities and Armenia.

Call AAHPO: 908-914-5549
What's Ahead

  1. March 1 - 6:30 pm, Mentoring Forum at Fordham University
  2. March 10 - 6pm, AAHPO Annual Meeting, Rose's of Englewood
  3. March 17 - Medical Workshop, St. Stepanos Church, Long Branch, NJ
  4. April 27 - 3rd Annual 5K Run/Walk - Overpeck Park, NJ
  5. May 3 - Medical Workshop, St. Leon Church, NJ: Protecting Your Eye Health
  6. May 11 - Dinner meeting in Manhattan, Mark Markarian, MD to speak
  7. June-July - Medical Mission to Armenia
  8. July 4-6 - 5th International Medical Congress of Armenia
  9. October 19 - AAHPO 25th Anniversary Gala Banquet
  10. January 12-19, 2020 - CME on Armenian Heritage Cruise: “Challenges in Global Health, 15.0 ACCME credits.
  11. June 30-July 3, 2021 - AMIC World Congress, Moscow