Bristol Harbour Village Association
Homeowner Communication- JUNE 2022


We hope you are doing well and enjoying the summer. 

In March we committed to sending a communication to BHVA Homeowners during months when community meetings are not held, to provide updates and new information. June is such a month, so here goes:

Beach Updates
  • Code to unlock gate to the elevator- 232323. After punching the number in, wait for the green light or the sound of mechanism unlocking, then push handle down and push open gate. 
  • Kayak Loaner Program- a BIG hit! Lock combination: 2022
  • A waiver form and acknowledgment of rules form must be completed for each person and turned in to the Kenrick office before the first voyage. Forms are located in the Community Center foyer.
  • Life vests are absolutely required when using a BHVA kayak through the loaner program! Every person, every time! BHVA does not provide life vests- each person participating must provide their own life vest. Non-adherence to this rule will result in your removal from the loaner program for the remainder of the summer.
  • Friday nights around the fire pit sponsored by the BHVA Board of Directors. 8 PM at two locations- the beach and adjacent to Community Center. 
  • Fires set directly on the beach (not in fire pit) are in violation of EC Rules & Regulations.
  • Golf Cart Shuttle- call 585-282-8902 for shuttle service to beach and back to your home
  • Saturdays and Sundays from 12 noon- 6 PM (please note that times have changed to better accommodate need)
  • Shuttle drivers are needed: 2-hour shifts 12-2, 2-4, 4-6. Interested? Call 585-424-1540.
  • Thanks to all who have volunteered to drive since Memorial Day weekend- Len Ceglie, Larry Buzzell, Alan Storch, Ron Kraft, John Matrachisia, Ginny Lalka, Nancy Palvino, Gloria Harrington, John & Teri Hauck, and Peter Bertonis. 
  • A beautiful toy box for sand toys, noodles, and other items has recently been constructed and placed under the stairs. Children are easily and safely able to reach the toy they want. Thanks so much, Mr. Bohdan Lalka!
  • A Porta-potty is located at the corner just outside the lower level of Condo 1 parking garage. Coming off of the pedestrian bridge from the elevator: advance toward the hillside in front of you, make a left on the roadway leading down to Condo 1 lower garage- you’ll see the porta-potty at the end of the roadway, on the left-hand side.
  • Ride your bike to the beach and park in the bike racks at the flagpoles on Cliffside Drive. Five spaces are available for bicycles.

Elevator Troubleshooting/Repair
On May 31 the doors of the elevator were not closing properly so a service ticket was logged in with TKE, the elevator contractor, and the elevator was closed until the problem was resolved.

On the evening of June 16 Kenrick received word that the elevator was non-operational. TKE was called immediately and again the next morning. The system had to be reset, as a brief electrical outage from the prior night’s storm had caused the system to shut down. The elevator was reopened around noon, a short time after TKE arrived.
  • In both instances a problem was found and TKE was called for service. Their territory is quite large and often it takes longer than we hope for a technician to arrive, find the problem and resolve. 
  • These unscheduled elevator outages can present problems to beachgoers “stuck” on the beach. If you ever find yourself in this position, please call Kenrick at 585-424-1540 and let us know you need a ride from the beach to your home.
  • Routine elevator maintenance will be scheduled for weekdays at non-peak hours of beach usage, when at all possible. We will notify you of the service and place signs on the elevator at both levels.
  • In case of entrapment in elevator, push the call button and let the person responding know of your predicament. TKE answers the call and will get you help as soon as possible. 

Stairs to the Beach & Pedestrian Bridge Projects
Fisher Associates is completing the beach stairs inspection report and a combined plan set for both projects, with the goal of forwarding to the Board by end of this week. 

Fisher Associates (FA) performed an inspection of the beach stairs on June 10th to assess the condition of the supports, treads, and debris accumulation surrounding stair stringers and posts. FA compared the conditions to the previous inspection and repair plans. The engineers updated and supplemented the details as needed to address repair plans for the stairs to the beach last week. In summary, new findings include increased accumulation of slope erosion talus at various locations, at both previously identified and new locations; the need for more rock removal; an additional stringer repair; one additional post replacement; and a stringer that requires replacement just above the second landing.

The pedestrian bridge rehabilitation scope includes:

  • Repair of the stairs from the north side of the bridge deck to the ground floor elevation of Condominium 1 (near the rest room facilities under the Marina Garage);
  • Removal and replacement of the concrete deck with a 1 in. thick galvanized steel floor grating (similar to the pedestrian bridge replacements at garages 4 & 5). This includes the addition of a center beam in spans 1 & 2 to support the new grating and 3 in. spacers on the tops of the beams to maintain the top of deck elevation;
  • Clean and paint the anchorages at the base of Pier 1;
  • Clean and paint the top flanges of existing girders where corrosion is active;
  • An add-alternative to replace the pedestrian bridge plywood panel railing with a galvanized steel railing system.

The project is still on track for bid packets going out this summer, followed by the choice of contractor based on cost, availability, and other criteria. The goal remains that work begins in September and is completed by or in Spring 2023.

Financial Statements
  • BHVA Preliminary Financial Statements for the first quarter of 2022 were forwarded to BHVA Homeowners on 6/22/22. 
  • April and May financial statements will be sent out soon.

Homeowner Directory
Over the past several months I shared in meetings, emails and through conversation that Kenrick would soon be creating and maintaining a BHVA Homeowner Directory. After much consideration, Kenrick has established a policy that we will not be involved in gathering information for, creating, or editing a homeowner directory. The process is labor intensive, privacy issues require homeowners give permission for their information to be shared, and our staff already has several databases to keep up to date. 

Upcoming Meetings
Community Meeting at Town of South Bristol Town Hall
  • Thursday, July 14 at 6:30 PM

Annual Meeting 
  • Saturday, August 13 at 10 AM
  • Four Board positions will be open
  • Soon Kenrick will send out a “Seeking Candidates Letter” and a form to complete if you’d like to serve as a Board Member. 
  • Please note that all HOA and Special Assessment payments must be up to date in order to vote

Brush Cleanup
On Wednesday, July 6, Mac and Micah will pick up your yard trash (clippings, brush, etc.) between 12-2 PM. The guys and dump truck will make 2 sweeps of the community, pick up any yard trash at the curb, and haul it off to the transfer station at Town of South Bristol. Please have your yard trash at the curb by 12 noon on 7/6.

Please note that all BHVA Homeowners are welcome to drop off yard trash at the TSB Transfer Station. Hours of operation are Wednesdays from 3-7 (through Sept 28), Saturdays from 9-4 and Sundays from 9-2. Address is 6098 Middlebrook Road. Call 585-746-6620 with any questions.

Some Changes in Kenrick Staff
  • Bob White left us on June 10th after working at BHVA for the past 3 years. A good prospect is to be interviewed next week, in our search for a new full time, year-round team member.
  • Micah Hinton joined the BHVA-Kenrick staff on June 7 as a seasonal, full-time employee. We are thankful for his great attitude and work ethic.
  • Cassandra Wallace, who works as Kenrick Admin for both BHVA and the Condos, has given her two-week notice with last day on July 1. Cassandra will surely be missed, but we’re happy for new opportunities for growth in her life. 
  • I have resigned from Kenrick, effective July 5, to enjoy the summer with grandkids and begin traveling in the Fall. It has been my pleasure to serve the BHVA Board and Homeowners the past six months. I will miss the wonderful Kenrick team- the closeness and camaraderie of true friends and the support and leadership of Anita Smith. 
  • Kenrick HR is looking for qualified candidates to fill the positions being vacated. If you know of competent persons who would do great in any of these positions, kindly let them know to contact Kenrick Corporation at 585-424-1540.

Kenrick & BHVA at Work
  • Mac & Micah clean the beach each weekday morning: picking up trash, checking the vessels in the loaner program, and generally making sure everything is safe and looking its best- so that you may enjoy your time near and in the water.
  • Re-seeding and intensive watering near the maintenance facility will be done soon. Kindly do not enter or traverse the area from the top via foot, bicycle or golfcart. 
  • The guys are working on replacing the panels along the pedestrian bridge. Wood panels have been cut and are in the process of weatherizing. The panels should be installed within the next several weeks. 
  • The non-working streetlights at Harbour Blvd will be replaced as soon as the contractor is free. 
  • WiFi will be installed in the Recycle Center shortly, allowing use of simple cameras that activate by motion and record. Homeowner volunteers will be doing the work, electrical portion done by a licensed electrician.
  • Bush and tree trimming will begin soon throughout the community.
  • Our gratitude to these volunteers who have helped us get ready for the summer season and catch up with tasks around the community:
  • Holly Parzych, Carolyn Hotchkiss, Lydia D’Ambro, Cindy Goodenberger, Diane Cera, and Ginny Lalka took the initiative to buy and/or plant flowers and beautify the community. 
  • Kayak rack set-up and various other work related to the kayak loaner program was done and continues to be done by Fred Muhleman and John Matrachisia.
  • Scott Pugliese arranged for the striping of two new pickleball courts and assembled the portable nets
  • Cliffside Drive Landscape Clean-up: Terry Diehl saw the need and facilitated the trimming of trees and shrubs, removal of sucker trees, and a whole lot more on and around Cliffside Drive.

Have a happy and safe Fourth of July, Everybody! 
