6th & 7th Grade Newsletter December 2024 Recap | Kislev 5785


Ahead of Kislev and Chanukah, students explored the Jewish values that inform their decisions as they cross the bridge from childhood to Jewish teenagerhood.

Building connections with Israel

Building bridges from childhood to Jewish teenagerhood

Building community with pizza

Mark your calendar for the

6th Grade Shabbaton

for Students & Parents

January 31, 5:00-9:00pm

Saturday, February 1, 9:00am-3:00pm

RSVP Here 

Two important reminders:

  • Students are required to silence and park their cell phones "in jail" (as students have dubbed it) for the duration of our time together. To contact your child when JLL is in session, please call the JLL office or email JLL Receptionist, Michelle Hessing.
  • Students must finish all snacks before entering the JLL wing. Water is the only beverage that is permitted in our rooms.


In four, six weeks-long rotations over the course of this year, students are engaging with our clergy team* to explore

  • The story of Israel with Rabbi Alissa Platcow
  • The story of World Jewry with Cantor Isaac Sonett-Assor
  • The story of Our Family with Rabbinic Intern Micah Glickman
  • The story of The Shoah (Holocaust) with Cantorial Intern Phil Fisherman

*7th Grade Sharing Shabbat students are exploring these stories with Joanne Citrin.

Connecting to the WRT chain of generations (shalshelt hamsorah)

with Rabbinic Intern Micah Glickman

Connecting to Israel with

Rabbi Alissa Platcow

and shinshinit, Anita Lebedkin

Exploring Jewish communities around the world

with Cantor Isaac Sonett-Assor

Exploring Holocaust stories

with Cantorial Intern Phil Fisherman

7th Grade Sharing Shabbat connecting with Israel and our shinshinit, Anita.

Parents are invited to explore with their children during the last session of each rotation.

Join your 7th Grader from 5:30-6:30 on these Wednesdays: 2/12 & 4/23

Bimah Skills Workshops

From 5:00-5:30 on Wednesdays, students who will celebrate BMitzvah in the the Fall of 2025 meet in a small group with Debbie Veetal to brush up on the prayers of the liturgy before beginning the Trope workshop.

Trope is the system of symbols and melodies

used to chant from the Torah.

Trope Workshops

Before BMitzvah tutoring begins, students meet for four weeks on Wednesday from 5:00-5:30 in small groups (arranged according to BMitzvah dates) with Nancy Abraham or Cantorial Intern Phil Fisherman. New Trope Workshops begin on January 15, 2025.

The JLL Parent Portal contains 6/7th Grade program details.

Weekly recaps of 6/7th Grade activities are posted on Remini.

Questions about the 6/7th Grade program?

Joanne Citrin, 914-723-5226 ext. 8624

WRT Stands with Israel