6 KEY Elements for Healing and Successful MFR

Hello WHL,

Here are the 6 KEY Elements for Healing and Successful MFR:



If you are new to MFR (Myofascial Release) or looking for a deeper dive into this work and you also know deep inside that there is a way to heal yourself and your life, let me invite you to explore a few key elements necessary for your success and deeper progress and also for your self-treatment.


Myofascial Release's purpose is to help integrate your body with breath, and your mind with the fascial system, which is a doorway to an authentic healing, and flourishing in all aspects of your life. 

6 KEY Elements for Healing and Successful MFR - Audio Recording

Your therapist is your facilitator, your guide, who helps you navigate towards healing and deeper connection. The goal of this beautiful work is for you to become more aware and conscious of your own restrictions, patterns, what is holding you back from healing, and from fully flourishing in life. The intention is also to connect and activate the Real You, The Healer within the innate capacity of your system that has ability for corrective and healing measures. This is the part of you that is eternal, divine, whole, and complete.

Your therapist is holding space for you, encourages you, supports you and nudges you when they see you being stuck. Here are the 6 elements:

1) SLOWING EVERYHTING WAY DOWN is crucial and vitally important in a session and with self-healing techniques. This work invites us to slow down, way down, and hold the position for minimum of 3-5 minutes or even longer if we want to see some magic happen. Slowing down the mind and the breath is necessary for the “walls” or protective mechanism to start coming down.

2) QUIET and MEDITATIVE MIND. This point is significant. Quieting the mind from obsessive thinking, mental chatter, self- doubt, and wobble of confusion is necessary to hear the messages from the body appearing in the form of sensations or feelings, enabling you to explore your body. When you fully engage your mind with the body, it is like sinking into the groove and you enter the Mind-Body Connection. If you lose your mind to thoughts, be easy on yourself and come back to the body. It gets easier with time and practice. Imagine that you want to listen to a country song, yet your radio station is tuned into a reggae station. Put your mind's attention onto the body. The key is for the mind to be more in the observer role. By paying attention to the breath and the sensations of the body you are learning how to be self-aware and how to expand that self-awareness.

3) CONSCIOUS BREATHING. Make it an intention to keep breathing more consciously, slower, however without effort or trying during the session. Engage with the breath that is deeper, smoother, and more relaxed. Breathe into the area of tightness or discomfort with a simple intention to fully feel and embrace that area with full acceptance and surrender. Stay very patient and present. See The Power of the Breath.

4) LEARNING TO FEEL. The only way to heal, truly and authentically, is through the feeling process which is exactly opposite to what society, or our upbringing is teaching us. The first 3 keys must be consistently present in order for you to start feeling anything. Engaging with the body and fascial system requires curiosity, staying open, being patient, remaining mentally quiet and neutral, imagining you are embarking on a new journey of self-discovery. Make it fun and exciting. Many times, you may not be familiar with those sensations, or your mind may question if you are supposed to feel them. With fascial restrictions you may experience tenderness, heat, burning, a “good” hurt, or a deep hard to reach itch. Breathe with and into these sensations and be present with them. You may feel that you want to stay in the same area longer or that you want to run away from it. With more time and practice you will become more familiar with those sensations. Think of those areas as a doorway to a space that wants your attention for healing. Your pain is not your enemy. It is here to invite you for deeper exploration so you can experience more freedom and liberation in your body and in your life.

5) TREATING THE WHOLE BODY. We tend to go directly to where the pain is. It is like spot treating. Remember that we are treating the entire system, body, and a person. In most cases of chronic pain, the root causes and restrictions are buried deep in the fascial system. A skilled and experienced therapist will help you to find the area that may require our attention.

6) ACTIVATING THE LOVING PRESENCE AND THE ENERGY BODY. After you are breathing for a few minutes, your mind is quiet, and your body is relaxing deeper and deeper. you will start becoming aware that something is rising from deep inside of your belly and your body. We are all born with a healing capacity and loving unconditional presence that is waiting for us to be tapped into when we learn how to quiet the mind, relax the body, and disconnect from the external world. Your most healing capacities are in your own heart and in your belly. This part is the most important part of healing that nobody really talks about.

2024 is open for scheduling

If you want more personal guidance, support, and accountability to enter authentic healing from within, reach out and I would be happy to assist you with it and teach you many self-healing practices and tools.

The most important part is to guide you to the place of who you truly are, the divine force in the Universe, self-healing and creative energy that is YOU!

We can either look for the answers outside of ourselves or say YES to the healing journey and give our body the attention that it is looking for.......

Say YES to Yourself!! 

In Love and Health,

Izabela Adamus, PT