Vol. 4 Issue 1, April 2, 2020
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Hamilton businesses share their impacts from COVID-19, Impacts on online job postings, Resources for online learning, Canadian companies hiring, Clear writing online course, Hamilton LMI, Business Recovery & Continuity Website
Last week we asked our newsletter recipients about how the current climate of COVID-19 in Hamilton is impacting their business through a poll online.
This week we decided to dig into the numbers representing NEW job postings online. You can see as the pandemic began the number of new job postings significantly decreased.

Last week our newsletter featured the number of online job postings in total in 2019 compared to 2020 during January, February, and broken down into individual weeks in March for more in-depth analysis during the pandemic.

WPH will continue to monitor these changes and provide weekly updates of the same information.
Source: Talent Neuron Job Postings.
Online Learning: Where to get started
With all the changes in businesses and increase in layoffs some people may have time to spend expanding knowledge, building skills and taking extra time to improve their resumes.

Webinars and online courses are an excellent place to start expanding your knowledge during these times.

Below is a list to get you started. Click on the titles to access the website for more information.

Career Contessa - A career site built exclusively for women. Free webinars, courses and articles to access topics including : Career Fit, Job Search, Networking, Career Growth, Freelance + Entrepreneurship, Work + Life Balance. 

SCORE.org - Currently free with registration and offers free business templates, eguides, checklists, blogs, infographics, videos and other helpful resources. You can access free live and recorded webinars & interactive courses on demand on small business topics.

Class Central - Access to thousands of online courses - some are free without a certificate if you are interested in receiving certificates you can pay for the course. Discover thousands of free online courses from top universities around the world like MIT, Stanford, and Harvard.

Coursera i s offering 85 free courses with a certificate. The link provides details about how to sign up for these courses. There are also thousands of other free courses.

Happy learning!
Canadian Companies Currently Hiring
Some industries — from shipping to online learning — are hiring to meet coronavirus-related demand. Click here to find out some Canadian companies hiring right now.

Clear Writing Works: Online Course
This is a public course that you can take to learn how to use Clear Writing guidelines to help you write clearly, at work, while volunteering a nd in your daily life. There are no live sessions it is all online. The course is 10 weeks and runs from April 20th - June 28th an d cos ts $295.00.
Hamilton Labour Force Information:
February 2020
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca