Special Survey on Crime
  • 36% Felt Threatened by Stranger’s Behavior
  • 40% Spent $100+ on Safety including Security Systems, Personal Devices, Guns & Classes
  • Nearly 1 in 10 Been a Victim of Assault, Burglary
  • 38% Witnessed Violent or Threatening Behavior in Public; 41% Say ‘Never been this worried about safety’
Contact Information
Siena College Research Institute Director, Dr. Don Levy will be available at 9:00 am Wednesday, July 12th, to discuss the poll findings.

Levy can be reached at 518-783-2901 or [email protected] to arrange for interviews in person or via Skype/Zoom/Teams/phone (do not hit 'reply' to this email to reach Levy).
Siena College Research Institute

The preeminent academically situated polling institute in New York State

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