64 SECONDS to Learn Up To 25 THINGS about St. Louis Park High School
January 22, 2021
Important Websites for High School Families
1: From the Interim Principal
Greetings SLP Families,
We surveyed our students recently and simply asked, “What do you want us to know?” The results were loud and clear. Hundreds of students are feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, frustrated, and stressed out with distance learning. They tell us that the work is really hard on their own and they struggle to even log in, much less complete what feels like insurmountable work. While some students are rocking it, many others are not.
Students, please tell your teachers what you need. Please look at the many ways you can get help with your school work or your mental health. We are here for you, and we want to help you. Please open this link and discover HOW TO GET ASSISTANCE.
We asked our students, and we listened. As a result:
Asynchronous check-ins will be optional for students in all classes expect Math, effective Monday, Jan. 25.
- Staff will stay on the link throughout the entire asynchronous period for students wishing to check in or get assistance
- Staff may use the Student Support Time app to request students to attend asynchronous periods for additional help and review.
- We will be keeping the 7 period day structure for now. After surveying students and staff about moving to a block schedule, the results were split and didn’t warrant such a significant change at this point.
February 22, 2021- target transition date for bringing secondary students back to school.
This is only a recommendation at this time and will need to be approved at the January 25 School Board meeting, but it’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time!
We would be in a hybrid model with 50% of our students returning in cohorts A and B.
Families will have an opportunity to select or remain in Cohort C (distance) or elect to have their student return in their A or B cohort. (Much more information to follow in coming days.)
Grades 9 and 12 will return first, followed by grades 10 and 11 two weeks later (as per the MN Safe Learning Plan requirements)
- Seniors - as they have the least amount of time left in high school.
- Freshmen - to get acclimated to the high school as soon as possible.
We see the Covid curve published everywhere. Tests, positive cases, hospitalizations, and sadly, deaths. It’s overwhelming and triggers varying emotions in each of us. My hope is that we have reached our lowest point in this pandemic, and with each day, we are able to feel more hopeful and inspired. The vaccines are here. Each day is a little longer. There is light at the end of this tunnel! I am truly hopeful!
Photo by Gina Tomko/Education Week + Getty
This is the last week of semester one, so FINISH STRONG STUDENTS. We care about you, we are here for you, and we can’t wait to see you again!
Wendy Loberg
Interim Principal
2: Success In the Oriole's Nest This Week
This week, we are recognizing Makayley for her Success in the Nest. She's a freshman. Makayley has been attending the Oriole's Nest for about 2.5 months. She heard about the Nest through her small friend group and she noticed the invitation in her email. Makayley says she really enjoys the Orioles Study Nest. It gives her a chance to meet new people. She said, "It's hard being a freshman and not knowing anyone".
When asked why Makayley came to the Nest, she said, "The Nest gives me the opportunity to work with tutors and teachers. I like it because it gives me a chance to get out of the house and off the couch. If I was at home, I wouldn't ask for help." She feels more motivated to get work done when she's at school. She has the right people around her to help keep her focused, the internet connection is better here and nobody is distracting me." She says, "The GLC's do a great job of that."
Trent Davis, GLC, said that Makayley is a very sweet girl. She's always kind and nice to others. She can be shy at first but seems to settle in well once you get to know her. Davis said, "Makaley is one of the rare youngsters that enjoys both product, AND process: she likes the act of engaging, not just the result, and all the while her results are good too." She always takes advantage of the tutoring opportunities with the GLC's. Our new GLC, Mitch Grenz, has made a huge impact on Makayley too." "Without Mitch I wouldn't have the A+ in Spanish," she said.
Keep up your great efforts, Maykayley! Your hard work is paying off.
If you want help raising your grades, please check out this link How to Get Assistance at SLP High School, and come on into the Oriole’s Nest. Assistance is available virtually or in-person. All students are welcome. Masks and social distancing required.
3: Semester 2 Schedule Changes Information
The following is a message from the Counselors regarding your Semester 2 class schedule:
Semester 2 schedules will be available in Powerschool starting Friday, January 15th. Please review as this is the most accurate version of student schedules.
The Schedule Change Request Form (2021 Semester Two Schedule Change Form) will be available starting Jan. 15th as well for students to request a schedule change. Counselors will continually review the requests and be in touch with students via email regarding any changes. The google form link will be posted on the Powerschool Login page as well as on the Counselors Schoology pages.
Schedule changes will be made for the following reason:
1. A wrong course appears
2. A course has been failed
3. A class is missing
4. There is a class conflict.
Please be advised there are no changes for teacher or time of day preference for classes.
Classes are still being balanced through February 1st, the first day of Semester 2, thus there still may be some changes to student schedules.
All students should access Powerschool to see their updated schedule on Monday, Feb. 1st to start second semester.
4: Purchase Your Yearbook by January 30th!
Parents- Yearbook sales end January 30th! Purchase one now on www.slpechowan.com for your student to remember this unique and interesting school year. Get yours today, because after January 30th, there will be NO more sales.
For student voices on school issues, local news, sporting events and much more visit slpecho.com. Echo is the student-run newspaper and news site of St. Louis Park High School. Find us at slpecho on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Echo is accepting applications for the second semester class for artists, designers, photographers, podcasters, videographers and writers. Please see this link for the application.
6: School Nutrition Meal Pick Up
Meal pickup schedule:
- Monday & Wednesday 11:45am-12:45pm
Breakfast and lunch is available for students in the building daily.
7: Junior Fun Information
Current questions from Juniors are around the ACT Test
Please view videos from Ms. Cosgrove (also on Schoology & in students’ Connections Folder)
Test date information. When to take? Registration & Deadlines
Test Fees. Writing vs non-Writing costs. Fee Waivers
ACT or SAT, and my opinion about scores during the pandemic
Includes a full-length ACT, as well as very detailed scoring procedures.
This includes a practice test and an online prep course that also has practice tests.
Registration link to register at ACT.org
Allow at least 30 minutes to complete the online registration.
SLP will give a full ACT at the High School!
Test optional growth since 2005 - 2020 (pandemic response).
8: Distance Learning and Student Assistance Information
Daily Schedule
Student Support App
To sign up for a help session with a teacher or for the Oriole Study Nest click here.
To sign up for transportation click here.
Other Supports are Available
Many supports are available including virtual support, tutoring, Learning Lab, math tutoring sessions, mental health supports and more. Check other supports available at the High School here.
9: Notice of Exclusion for Immunization Non-Compliance
St. Louis Park Public Schools requires compliance with the Minnesota State Immunization Law (M.S. 121A.15). In anticipation of high school students returning to in-person learning, your student must be up-to-date on immunizations, or provide the appropriate legal exemption form. Your student will not be able to attend school in-person until the appropriate documentation is provided.
If you have questions please contact the Health Office at 952-928-6108 contact Susanne Otos at otos.susanne@slpschools.org or Anjonette Scott at scott.anjonette@slpschools.org.
For solutions to common technical problems that you may have with a student device, check out the St. Louis Park Schools Family Tech Help site which is located at https://slpfamilytechhelp.blogspot.com/.