64 SECONDS to Learn Up To 25 THINGS about St. Louis Park High School
October 23, 2020
February 5, 2021

Important Websites for High School Families

1: From the Interim Principal
Hello SLP High School Students and Parents,

How are you doing? How are your kids doing? In pre-pandemic days, these questions may have been easier to answer. As we forge ahead in these unprecedented times, I am finding myself needing to seriously take time to focus on breathing deeply. I invite you to do the same. It helps me to relax my body and my brain so I can think clearly and focus on the many tasks at hand. It gets overwhelming at times for me, and I know many staff, students and parents may feel the same way. Thank you for your kind support and the grace you have given all of us as we navigate each new day.     

February is BLACK HISTORY MONTH. SLP Schools will be producing a districtwide video, 40 – 50 min. long, to be released on Monday, February 15, Celebrating Black History Month and African American Parent Involvement day. This will be a virtual celebration showcasing our amazing students. Watch for more information in Superintendent Osei’s Communicator.

As you know, we are bringing 9th and 12th grade students in Cohorts A and B back into the building beginning the week of February 22 in hybrid at 50% capacity. Our schedule will remain as is with no changes.

Cohort A students will attend school for in-person learning on Monday and Tuesday.
Cohort B students will attend school for in- person learning on Thursday and Friday.  
Cohort C students will remain in distance.

On days when Cohort A and B students are not in the building, they would continue attending classes virtually, using the Zoom or Google Meet links provided by their teachers each hour.
Our Wednesday schedule remains as a student support day. 

As a follow up to the phone blast and email you received on Thursday of this week, I want to make sure each family understands the opportunity and process to change your child’s chosen educational delivery model if you wish. You have until Sunday night, Feb. 7, to make a change request. 



If you don’t remember which learning model was previously selected, you can:
Find it on the front page of the Powerschool Parent Portal
Contact the student’s Park Connections Teacher or Counselor by email
Call the School Office (HS 952-928-6100)
Cohort A = A-K; Cohort B = L-Z; Cohort C=Distance (until the end of the year)

Only if you wish to change your child’s previous Cohort selection for educational delivery, please complete the following COHORT CHANGE FORM. One form per student. The deadline to complete this change form is SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7th AT MIDNIGHT.
Have a wonderful day and continue to stay safe and Covid-free.

Wendy Loberg
Interim Principal
Success In the Oriole's Nest This Week
***Here is the CORRECT picture of Ciera- Congratulations on all your success in the Nest!***

This week, we celebrate Ciera Skelly, gr. 12, as our Success in the Nest student. Ciera learned about The Nest from her dad and has been coming for about a month and a half. She loves doing her school work in The Nest because, “It’s a quiet, studious environment away from my brothers.” She went on to say that coming into school in our Oriole’s Nest has inspired her to stop procrastinating and start doing her school work. Her grades are strong, and her hard word has paid off! Way to go, Ciera!
If you want help raising your grades, please check out this link How to Get Assistance at SLP High School, and come on into the Oriole’s Nest. Assistance is available virtually or in-person. All students are welcome. Masks and social distancing required.  
2: Success In the Oriole's Nest This Week
This week, we celebrate Maricruz Valtierrez, an 11th grader, a sister, a hard worker, an employed teen, and a scholar. She began coming into in the Nest near the end of October, because she started failing classes and had a lack of motivation. According to Ms. Valtierrez, she kept coming in because she “received a lot of support from the GLC’s,” and “could focus much better to do work.” Emboldened, productive, and ready to “straight handle business,” she has since proven time and again, to be a nourishing influence on her peers, and a young person who is prepared for a bright future. Maricruz went from five F grades in November, to zero by semester’s end. Moreover, she is organized, intelligent, relentless, and a wonderful representative for what Orioles can accomplish. According to her GLC, "the world would be a far better place if there were more Maricruzes." After high school, she will go to college and hopefully one day, start a clothing line.
If you want help raising your grades, please check out this link How to Get Assistance at SLP High School, and come on into the Oriole’s Nest. Assistance is available virtually or in-person. All students are welcome. Masks and social distancing required.  
3: Somali Family Engagement Meeting
Please join us on Tuesday, February 16th from 6:00 pm - 7:00pm to hear updates from high school staff about our return to hybrid learning, registration for next year and credit recovery options. Please use THIS LINK to join our Zoom meeting. We would also appreciate your feedback about successes and challenges for your student and your family so far this school year. We hope to see you soon!

Shirka Ka Qaybgalka Qoyska
Soomaaliyeed Fadlan nagala soo qaybgal Talaadada, Febraayo 16keeda 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm si aad uga maqasho cusboonaysiinta shaqaalaha dugsiga sare ee ku saabsan dib ugu soo noqoshada waxbarashadii isku dhafanayd, diiwaangelinta sannadka soo socda iyo xulashooyinka soo kabashada amaahda. Fadlan isticmaal LINKAN si aad ugu soo biirto kulankeena Zoom. Waxaan sidoo kale jeclaan lahayn jawaab celintaada ku saabsan guulaha iyo caqabadaha ardaygaaga iyo qoyskaaga illaa iyo sannad dugsiyeedkan. Waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan dhowaan ku aragno!
4: Latinx Family Engagement Meeting
Latinx Family Engagement Meeting
Please join us on Wednesday, February 17th from 5:00 pm - 6:00pm to hear updates from high school staff about our return to hybrid learning, registration for next year and credit recovery options. Please use THIS LINK to join our Zoom meeting. We would also appreciate your feedback about successes and challenges for your student and your family so far this school year. We hope to see you soon!

Reunión de participación de la familia Latinx
Únase a nosotros el miércoles 17 de febrero de 5:00 pm a 6:00 pm para escuchar las actualizaciones del personal de la escuela secundaria sobre nuestro regreso al aprendizaje híbrido, la inscripción para el próximo año y las opciones de recuperación de créditos. Utilice ESTE ENLACE para unirse a nuestra reunión de Zoom. También agradeceríamos sus comentarios sobre los éxitos y desafíos para su estudiante y su familia en lo que va del año escolar. ¡Esperamos verte pronto!
5: Class of 2024 (Current 9th Graders) Parent Registration Meeting
Please join our virtual parent registration information meeting to help your current 9th grader register for 10th grade classes.

Monday, Feb 8th - 6:15pm

Session will be recorded if you cannot attend - look for it on the website:

Topic: 9th Grade Parent Registration Night
Time: Feb 8, 2021 06:15 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 998 5993 0543

6: Superintendent Osei Upcoming Listening Sessions
As a part of the process to hear stakeholder perspectives, Superintendent Osei will be hosting Listening Sessions over the course of this school year for students, parents/guardians, and staff to better understand the impact of the implementation of the District's educational delivery models. 
February 16 | Parents/Guardians - English | 5:00-6:00 p.m. | Zoom Link
February 16 | Parents/Guardians - Spanish | 6:00-7:00 p.m. | Zoom Link

7: Virtual Senior Meeting Information
Ms. Busse, Ms. King and Greg Whittle will be hosting your second virtual senior meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 10th during Park Connections (11:45-12:45). The virtual link to this meeting is meet.google.com/jdk-bksa-xdi. An invite will also be sent to each senior student school email address. 
8: Spring Sports
Registration will be open on Monday, February 8th for spring sports. ALPHA offers the following spring sports:

Starting on 3/15 - Synchronized Swimming

Starting on 3/22 - Baseball

Starting on 3/29 - Boys Tennis, Girls Softball, Boys & Girls Golf, Boys & Girls Track and Field

Starting on 4/5 - Boys & Girls Lacrosse

Registration is done online at www.gopark.org

Please contact the high school athletic office if you have any questions. (952-928-6026)
9: What are IB Classes? Part 2
Questions about IB at the high school? Contact Jenny at [email protected] & follow @slp_ib_dp on IG and sign up on the Student Support App if you want to chat!
10: PEAC (Parent Engagement Advisory Committee)
Hello Parents, 

Want to support our amazing staff? Please sign up to deliver Teacher Treats each Tuesday. We've heard from several staff that go to the building and they are filled with gratitude at this small gesture. As one teacher said, "It lifts me up!"
Thanks for your generosity!
PEAC - Parent Engagement Advisory Committee
11: School Nutrition Meal Pick Up
Meal pickup schedule:

  • Monday & Wednesday 11:45am-12:45pm

Please note we will be closed Monday February 15th for the holiday. The meal bag on Wednesday February 10th will have 5 days of meals. We will resume our regular schedule on Wednesday February 17th.

Breakfast and lunch is available for students in the building daily.
12: ECHO News
Our distinguished student newspaper at SLP High School, The Echo, was recently named as one of the SCHOOL NEWSPAPERS ONLINE DISTINGUISHED SITES for the eighth time. 

Please join me in congratulating Ms. Lori Keekley, Echo Advisor, and all the students who worked together to demonstrate excellence in all six aspects of online publishing including: continuous coverage, site excellence, audience engagement, story page design, writing and multimedia. As you can see, it takes many contributing students to create an award winning student newspaper. Pictured above are Talia Lissauer, Emmy Pearson, and Maddie Schutte.
13: 2021 Step Up Application Now Available
2021 Step Up Application Now Available!
Dear Youth and Community Advocates,
Step Up is a great opportunity for a young person to explore careers, gain job and life skills, and earn money and school credit. We aim to provide career exploration for over 1,600 young people each summer! We hope to count on your support and advocacy in spreading the word to youth about the exciting opportunity to participate in Step Up.
Step Up has two unique opportunities in 2021:
Paid Internships and Paid Career Exploration In response to COVID-related limitations for young people and employers in 2021, Step Up is offering paid in-person and remote internships, and a new paid summer online career exploration program for all participants who complete their assigned training and are not matched to an internship.
·      Level 1 interns (14 or 15 years old by June 1, 2021) will be paid $12.15/hr
·      Level 2 interns (16-21 years old by June 1, 2021) will be paid at least $14.25/hr.
·      All participants – regardless of age – who complete the summer career exploration program and are not matched to an internship can earn up to $600 and earn 0.5 elective academic high school credits through the online career exploration program.
Who is Eligible?
Step Up provides Minneapolis youth with paid opportunities including internships and online learning experiences.
  • They are 14-21 years old by June 1, 2021;
  • They are not in college (PSEO is OK); and
  • They live in the City of Minneapolis
  • Meet certain income guidelines or other criteria (see www.stepupmpls.org for details)
Please encourage eligible students to apply at www.stepupmpls.org.
Deadline to Apply!
The applications are open and available now. Youth must apply at www.stepupmpls.org by midnight on Monday, February 15, 2021.
If young people need additional support to complete the application, they can reach out to Step Up using the information below.
How you can promote Step Up:
  • Distribute this digital flyer and video link to your youth.
  • Provide regular announcements about the application deadline, where and how to apply.
  • Publicize application deadlines in newsletters and social media.
Interested in becoming a Step Up Employer?
The 2021 Summer Employer Pledge form is also available now. Submit your 2021 pledge here.
You can find detailed information about the Step Up program in this Community Advocates Guide. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting Step Up and the young people of Minneapolis!
Theresa Stets, Step Up Youth Services Manager
Office: 612-455-1561 |Cell: 612-229-5217
Pronouns: she/her/hers
14: Notice of Exclusion for Immunization Non-Compliance
St. Louis Park Public Schools requires compliance with the Minnesota State Immunization Law (M.S. 121A.15). In anticipation of high school students returning to in-person learning, your student must be up-to-date on immunizations, or provide the appropriate legal exemption form. Your student will not be able to attend school in-person until the appropriate documentation is provided.

If you have questions please contact the Health Office at 952-928-6108 contact Susanne Otos at [email protected] or Anjonette Scott at [email protected].
Student Spotlight!