Greetings SLP Families!
I hope you are enjoying the above average temperatures that fall has provided. It is hard to believe that winter break is around the corner. When we return in the new year, the testing season will be upon us. It is important for students, families, and staff to be well informed on how tests benefit students, and inform our practice in meeting the needs of students. Equally important is understanding how high opt-out rates for tests like the MCA can unintentionally have a negative impact on schools.
Provided below are district resources to summarize the benefits of testing for SLP students and schools. Please join us at the PEAC meeting (virtual) on January 8th, 2024 at 7 pm for the latest high school testing data with Dr. Slivy Lafayette, Director of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation.
SLP District Testing Resources:
SLP District Testing Webpage & Video - "Clearing up the confusion about standardized tests: How testing benefits students and schools"
High School Testing Calendars
Take care, be well, & GO PARK!!
LaNisha Paddock